「閑人」と自然観賞 : 蘇軾の黄州期の題跋をめぐって
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Su Shi's informal prose, colophons and notes, are one of his most famous literary works. Accounts of a Visit One Night to Cheng-tian Temple is a very famous colophon Su Shi wrote in his Huangzhou Exile. In this prose, Su took himself as an easygoing man ”閑人”. 0n this self-image, he could appreciate beautiful landscapes in Huangzhou. Su Shi has.inherited this kind of literary self-image from Bai Juyi's literary works. Leisure or way of easygoing is one of Bai Juyi's most important literary principle, and Baicalled himself as an easygoing nan in his poetry very frequently in later years. But Su Shi's self-image is somewhat different from Bai Juyi's on literary implication. I will discuss this problem in this paper.
- 2007-02-15
- 墨戯について
- 『宣和畫譜』小考
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- 「閑人」と自然観賞 : 蘇軾の黄州期の題跋をめぐって
- 林語堂と費孝通の「老いの文明論」
- 蘇洵晩学
- 家庭の情景 : 李清照「金石録後序」をめぐって
- 古文と母--歐陽脩「瀧岡阡表」考
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