1-14 Effect of Aging on Brachial and Femoral Artery Blood Flow during Passive Heating(Proceedings of the 55th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
Koga Shunsaku
Kobe Design University
Koga Syunsaku
Kobe Design University
Ooue Anna
Kobe University
Ooue Anna
Laboratory For Applied Human Physiology Kobe University
Kondo Narihiko
Kobe University
INOUE Yoshimitsu
Osaka International University
JSPS Research Fellow (Osaka International University)
Ichinose-kuwahara Tomoko
Laboratory For Human Performance Research Osaka International University
Hyogo University of Teacher Education
Osaka International University
ARAKI Tsutomu
Hyogo University of Teacher Education
Laboratory for Applied Human Physiology, Kobe University
- Autonomic Nervous Activities Assessed by Heart Rate Variability in Pre- and Post-adolescent Japanese
- Cutaneous Vasodilation Response to a Linear Increase in Air Temperature from 28℃ to 40℃ in Prepubertal Boys and Young Men
- 活動筋の酸素供給と消費の過渡応答を非侵襲計測するシステムの開発
- 294. 摂取する水温差が高温下運動中における循環・体温調節反応に及ぼす影響(環境,第62回日本体力医学大会)
- 150. 安静温熱負荷時と脚運動時における上腕部静脈の血流応答特性(呼吸・循環,第62回日本体力医学会大会)
- 356. 運動トレーニングが運動時の深部体温上昇に伴う換気充進反応に及ぼす影響(環境,一般口演,第63回日本体力医学会大会)
- 中枢性疲労と体温上昇時の換気亢進反応 (特集 運動の限界と中枢性疲労)
- 360. 暑熱下運動時における換気亢進反応の深部体温閾値に関する研究(環境,一般口演,第63回日本体力医学会大会)
- 287. 安静時における深部体温上昇に伴う換気亢進と化学受容器換気調節及び脳血流の関係(環境,第62回日本体力医学大会)
- 286. CO_2吸入が暑熱下運動時における体温上昇に伴う換気反応や脳血流反応に及ぼす影響(環境,第62回日本体力医学大会)
- 2-2 Relationships among Ventilatory Response during Exercise in the Heat, Thermoregulation, and Aerobic Capacity(Proceedings of the 56th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 04-7-K202-20 安静温熱負荷時と脚運動時における上腕動脈の血流応答特性(04.運動生理学,一般研究発表抄録)
- S07-1 Non-Thermal Factors Associated with Exercise Modify Heat Loss Responses in Humans(Proceedings of The 8th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology)
- 素材の吸湿性・吸水性の有無がタイトフィットスポーツウェア着用時における運動時の衣服内気候に及ぼす影響
- 1-10 The Effect of Hyperventilation on Reduction of Cerebral Blood Flow Induced by the Increase in Body Temperature(Proceedings of the 55th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 2-10 Femoral Artery Blood Flow during Knee-extension Exercise in Older Men(Proceedings of the 57th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 2-3 Heterogeneity of Quadriceps Muscle Deoxygenation Kinetics during Exercise(Proceedings of the 57th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 1-17 Sweat Responses of Older and Young Women during Passive Heat Exposure(Proceedings of the 56th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 1-23 Blood Flow Responses in Upper Arm Veins and Forearm Cutaneous Vessels during Exercise(Proceedings of the 55th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Effect of Activated Sweat Glands on the Intensity-Dependent Sweating Response to Sustained Static Exercise in Mildly Heated Humans
- 1-16 Aging Process of Sweating Mechanisms(Proceedings of the 55th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 1-15 Thresholds of Skin Sensitivity to Warm and Cold in Older Men(Proceedings of the 55th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 1-14 Effect of Aging on Brachial and Femoral Artery Blood Flow during Passive Heating(Proceedings of the 55th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 04-28-西体-17 全身冷却時における上腕部の導管動脈血流と前腕および手掌の皮膚血流との関連(04.運動生理学,一般研究発表抄録,ひろしま発 ひとを育む体育・スポーツ)
- S.C. The relation between increase in body temperature during exercise and physiological control system(The Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology August 2-3, (Nara))
- Regional Differences in the Na^+ Reabsorption of Sweat Glands
- 4.Thermoregulatory responses of prepubertal boys and young men in changing temperature linearly from 28 to 15℃.
- Evaluation of acomputer controlled-system for assessing respiratory gas exchange using this method : Development of a New Method for Calibration of Pueumotachograph According to Flow Rate
- 2-7 Dynamics of Muscle Oxygen Consumption and Blood Flow at Exercise Onset(Proceedings of the 50th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Sex Differences in Effects of Physical Training on Sweat Gland Function (Proceedings of the 54th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- P-10 Control of Circadian Variation in Skin Blood Flow Response during Hot Water Immersion (Proceedings of the 38th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- P-8 Sweat Gland Function in Thai and Japanese Males in Relation to Physical Training(Proceedings of the 57th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 2-15 Effects of Menstrual Cycle and Physical Training on Heat Loss Responses during Dynamic Exercise at Moderate Intensity in a Temperate Environment(Proceedings of the 53rd Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 2-12 Effects of Menstrual Cycle and Physical Training on Heat Loss Responses during Dynamic Exercise at Moderate Intensity in a Temperate Environment
- 1-4 Effects of Physical Training on Heat Loss Responses during Passive Heating in Young Women(Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 2-5 Changes in Sweating Response with Age in Healthy Older Men : 10-yr Follow-Up(Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 2-14 Rectal Temperature and Total Sweat Rate in Prepubertal Boys during Sports Activity in Summer(Proceedings of the 53rd Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 1-5 The Influence of Back-Aperture Opening on Clothing Ventilation in Rainwear(Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- ヒトの発汗調節特性と部位差
- 1-B-02 Arterial blood pressure response to severe passive heating at rest relates to hyperthermia-induced hyperventilation(The Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meetings of Japan Society of Exercise and Sports Physiology August 25・26, (Tokushima))
- 高齢者介護施設の住環境ニーズに関する調査研究
- S-601 Change in Heat Loss Responses after Three Month Endurance Training in Young Women
- P2-6 Sweat rate and skin blood flow to increasing doses of methacholine in aged skin