1-4 Molecular-biological Study on Regulatory Mechanism of Cutaneous Blood Flow(Proceedings of the 55th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
Departments of Urology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
SATO Masahiko
Nagasaki Junior College
佐藤 方彦
佐藤 方彦
佐藤 方彦
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University
KUDO Susumu
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology
Hamasaki Keita
Department of Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology
Hamasaki Keita
Department Of Applied Chemistry Shibaura Institute Of Technology
Kudo Susumu
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Shibaura Institute Of Technology
Ito Noriyuki
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Shibaura Institute Of Technology
Iwanaga Koichi
Graduate School Of Engineering Chiba University
Iwanaga Koichi
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Chiba University
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology
INOUE Syoichi
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology
Inoue Syoichi
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Shibaura Institute Of Technology
Mizutani Tsuyoshi
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Shibaura Institute Of Technology
Department of Applied Chemistry, Shibaura Institute of Technology
Kudo Susumu
Department of Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology
- The Reproducibility of Cardiovascular Response to a Mental Task
- Assessment of a protocol for prophylactic antibiotics to prevent perioperative infection in urological surgery : A preliminary study
- PD2-3 Evaluating the Seating Support Surface of the Seating Buggy Used by Patients with Profound Cerebral Palsy(Proceedings of The 8th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology)
- Evaluating the Relationships between the Postural Adaptation of Patients with Profound Cerebral Palsy and the Configuration of the Seating Buggy's Seating Support Surface
- P-6 Searching a Fundamental Condition of Technological Adaptability in Wheelchair Seating(Proceedings of the 55th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Evaluating the Relationships between the Postural Adaptation of Patients with Profound Cerebral Palsy and the Configuration of the Seating Buggy's Seating Support Surface
- 103. 急激な照度変化の生理的影響 : 高齢者に対応した深夜照明の検討・第3報
- 照明の照度及び色濃度がCNVに及ぼす影響 : 生理人類学会第28回大会
- 光環境の違いがCNVに及ぼす影響(1) : 生理人類学会第27回大会
- 06若い成人女性の体温に及ぼす衣服の影響 : 生理人類学研究会第10回大会紀事
- The Capacity of Cardiovascular Function of Middle-aged Females
- Effects of Changes in Arousal Level by Continuous Light Stimulus on Contingent Negative Variation (CNV)
- 生理人類学の視点
- 冬季における日本人と韓国人の20代女性の素肌ならびに化粧肌の比較
- 生理人類学の展望
- 人間に関する情報の発信を目指して
- 最大酸素摂取量に及ぼす気温の影響〔英文〕
- 睡眠時の代謝量測定技術
- 気温50℃における安静男女の生理反応について
- ラムダ反応による視覚疲労の評価の試み : 一般口演 : 生理人類学会第31回大会
- Growing Changes in the Body Compositionof Young People in Kyushu
- Relationship between Thyroid Hormone and Body Fatin Young Japanese
- 低圧および冷環境の肺拡散能へ及ぼす影響
- 16日本人の形態と有酸素能力の関係について : 生理人類学研究会第10回大会紀事
- 色彩の違いは体温に影響を及ぼすか? : 一般口演 : 生理人類学会第31回大会
- 照明と環境温度の複合効果が生体に及ぼす影響 : 生理人類学会第28回大会
- 低圧環境が視覚,触覚系に及ぼす影響 : 生理人類学会第28回大会
- 照明環境の違いが波ゆらぎに及ぼす影響 : 生理人類学会第27回大会
- 視覚作業負荷による色別フリッカー値の変化(第2報) : 生理人類学会第27回大会
- 22.低圧環境におけるカラー・フリッカー値の変化 : 生理人類学会第25回大会
- Distinct Effects of Omeprazole and Rabeprazole on the Tacrolimus Blood Concentration in a Kidney Transplant Recipient
- Retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy for polycystic kidney disease
- Solitary upper ureteral malakoplakia successfully diagnosed by ureteroscopic biopsy and treated conservatively
- Defective Jak-Stat activation in renal cell carcinoma is associated with interferon-α resistance
- Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of paclitaxel with carboplatin or gemcitabine, and effects of CYP3A5 and MDR1 polymorphisms in patients with urogenital cancers
- Evaluation of Calvert's Formula for Dosage Adjustment of Carboplatin in Japanese Patients with Hormone Refractory Prostate Cancer(Biopharmacy)
- Epithelial stromal tumor of the seminal vesicle
- S14-5 Management of high risk superficial bladder cancer : the timing of radical cystectomy(Symposium 14「Management of Superficial Bladder Cancer」)
- P-5 Development of the Seating Buggy and Active Balanced Seating : Standard and Adjustment Range for the Seating -System for Severely Handicapped Patients(Proceedings of the 55th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Effect of Precooling Environment : on Heat Tolerance of Resting Men in a Hot Environment : Comparison with Seasonal Effect on It
- 日本人の生理人類学的特徴について(特別講演) (第41回日本体質学会総会(1991年9月6日,宮崎))
- 人間工学とデザイン
- オフィス・ワ-カ-の体と心 (快適なオフィス環境をめざして)
- 自律神経機能検査法を用いた照明環境の評価 : 生理人類学会第27回大会
- 19.照明の照度及び色温度が生理的機能に及ぼす影響 : 生理人類学会第25回大会
- II-15 Effect of Visual Stimulation of Natural Scenery on Central and Autonomic Nervous Systems(II) : In the Case of Poor Correlation between Sensory Evaluation and Physiological Responses(Proceedings of the 45th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological A
- II-14 Effect of Visual Stimulation by Natural Scenery on Central and Autonomic Nervous Systems(I) : In the Case of Good Correlation Between Sensory Evaluation and Physiological Response(Proceedings of the 45th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Ant
- Physiological Responses to llluminance and Color Temperature of Lighting
- 21.視覚負荷が網膜電図波形に及ぼす影響について : 生理人類学会第25回大会
- 20.照明環境の違いが長潜蒔誘発電位に及ぼす影響 : 生理人類学会第25回大会
- The Influence of the Alarm Sound Malfunction on Mental Workload and Performance of Cognitive Information Tasks : Comparisons between a Lack and a False of Alarm (Proceedings of the 54th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Effect of Color Temperature of Illumination during Exercise on Physiological Functions and Subjective Preference (Proceedings of the 54th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 2-6 Comparison Of Physiological Responses and Subjective Evaluation Between Ceiling Radiation Cooling System and Air Conditioning Cooling System(Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Common single nucleotide polymorphisms of the MDR1 gene have on influence on its mRNA expression level of normal kidney cortex and renal cell carcinoma in Japanese nephrectomized patients
- Relationship between Muscular Strength and Deflection Characteristics of the Center of Foot Pressure During Landing after Crossover Stepping in the Elderly
- Study on the Manipulation Mode of Chopsticks(Proceedings of the 2008 Annual International Health and Physical Fitness Conference)
- Use of Frequency Domain Analysis of Skin Conductance for Evaluation of Mental Workload
- 1-11 Visual Evoked Potentials Elicited by Chromatic Flash Stimulation(Proceedings of the 57th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 1-2 The Effects of Meal on Physiological Responses during Mental Task(Proceedings of the 57th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- The Effects of Heel Elevation on Postural Adjustment and Activity of Lower-Extremity Muscles during Deep Squatting-to-Standing Movement in Normal Subjects
- The Relation between the Changes of Postural Achievement, Lower Limb Muscle Activities, and Balance Stability in Three Different Deep-squatting Postures
- 1-5 The Influence of Illumination on the Amount of Saliva and Taste Threshold : The Relationship Between Personality and Physiological Responses(Proceedings of the 56th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Effects of Monochromatic Light on Time Sense for Short Intervals
- 1-3 The Response of Second Derivative of Photoplethysmogram to Mental Arithmetic Task and White Noise Exposure(Proceedings of the 56th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- The Adaptability to Heat of Young Adult Japanese
- S10-1 Effect of Low Temperature on Endothelial Cell Nitric Oxide Synthase Activity(Proceedings of The 8th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology)
- 1-4 Molecular-biological Study on Regulatory Mechanism of Cutaneous Blood Flow(Proceedings of the 55th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Physiological Anthropology Design : A Comparative Study between Germany and Japan
- PI-4 Effect of the Inhalation of Odoriferous Substances from Coffee Beans on Central and Autonomic Nervous Systems : Changes in Activity According to Individual Taste(Proceedings of the 45th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 1-8 Measurement of Absolute Hb Concentration in a Prefrontal Region by Near-Infrared Time-Resolved Spectroscopy(Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Effects of Color on Autonomic Nervous Functions
- The Influence of Hypobaric Hypoxia on Human
- 光環境の違いがCNVに及ぼす影響(2) : 生理人類学会第27回大会
- Physiological Effects of Shinrin-yoku (Taking in the Atmosphere of the Forest) : Using Salivary Cortisol and Cerebral Activity as Indicators
- A Transient Increase of Calcineurin Phosphatase Activity in Living-Donor Kidney Transplant Recipients with Acute Rejection
- The Critical Temperature for Maximal Oxygen Intake in AduIt Female Japanese
- Anti-Hu-antibody-associated paraneoplastic neurological syndrome accompanying testicular cancer
- The Development of Conceptual Framework in Physiological Anthropology
- Changes of Background EEGs in Trials of The P300
- Prospect of Manufacturing and Design Based on Physiological Polymorphism
- Physiological Effects of Sudden Change in Illuminance during Dark-Adapted State
- The effect of luminance of lighting source on CNV
- The effect of the duration of exposure to the lighting conditions on CNV
- I-13 Measurement of the Color for Bare skin and Foundation-Applied skin in Women in their 20's : Comparison of Japanese and Korean(Proceedings of the 45th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- The Effect of Color Temperature of Lighting Sources on the Autonomic Nervous Functions
- The Lower Critical Temperature and Native Place
- Evaluatien of ligbting effects on living body by EEG topography
- 生理人類学あれこれ-広く深く
- CRTディスプレイ上での視作業における色相と輝度の相互効果について : 生理人類学会第32回大会
- 健康の概念(建築と健康)
- 欧米の生理人類学についての見聞 : 第8回生理人類学懇話会話題提供要旨
- Effects of Lighting on Heart Rate Variability and Blood Pressure Variability
- Condolence
- The Progress of Physiological Anthropology in Japan
- The Effect of Color Temperature of Lighting Sources on Mental Activity Level
- A new trend in the synthetic approaches to physiological anthropology(Proceedings of 6th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology)
- Chaotic analysis for HRV
- Changos in Catecholaaine Excretion under Different Lighting Conditions