Estimation of Wet Bulb Formation in Various Soil During Drip Irrigation
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Small water resources can be utilized more effectively in the drip irrigation system. To use limited water effectively, it is important to irrigate exactly in the root zone. First, hydraulic conductivities and diffusivities on various soil types were studied. The experiment was performed on sand (Coastal sand), sandy loam (Masa), loam (Kuroboku, volcanic ash) and clay (Coral clay). Second, cylindrical compartment model to estimate wet bulb size was proposed. Wet bulb formations on various soils were studied with changing the irrigation intensity. Sand soil typically showed vertical elongation and light clay soil showed horizontal elongation. Loam (Kuroboku) and sandy loam (Masa) showed spherical elongations. Sandy loam (Masa) showed slightly vertical elongated shapes than Loam (Kuroboku). Third, the sizes of wetted area on the soil surface and of vertical depth were determine on specified irrigation intensities.
- 九州大学の論文
丸居 篤
Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
Marui Atsushi
Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
HAO Aimin
Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Kyushu University
Department of Environment Science, Saga University
NAKANO Yoshisuke
Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
Hao Aimin
Graduate School Of Bioresource And Bioenvironmental Sciences Kyushu University
Hao Aimin
Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu Unviersity
Haraguchi T
Faculty Of Agriculture Saga University
Haraguchi Tomokazu
Department Of Environment Science Saga University
Haraguchi Tomokazu
Laboratory Of Bioproduction And Environment Information Sciences Division Of Bioproduction And Envir
Nakano Y
Department Of Bioproduction Environmental Sciences Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
NAKANO Yoshisuke
Department of Bioproduction Environmental Sciences Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University
Nakano Yoshisuke
Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
Nokano Yoshisuke
Laboratory Of Irrigation And Water Utilization Division Of Regional Environment Science Department O
MARUI Atsushi
Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
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