- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of this paper is to clarify the nursing service and responsibility that director of nursing service expecting for Certified Nurse Specialists (CNS) during the drastic change of the surroundings of nursing after CNS system was introduced ten years ago. CNS system was introduced in 1995, and we can recognize the number of 102 CNS in eight fields as of 2005. However the research on the effect of CNS employed in a long term was not found yet. The subjects of this research were four nursing directors in hospital who employs CNS for ten years and more. The research was done by the method of questionnaire and interview. Question papers were sent to the nursing directors beforehand, and then the interview was executed for 60 minutes. Significant discourses were selected from 1469 data recorded. 63 deta were extracted through three stages of categorizing in the frame of the nursing management process. This analysis was made by the method of structurizing the nursing management process of "Input", "Process", and "Output" based on the system theory (Gillies, 1982/1986). In conclusion, the category of "Input" was not found. There were 35 categories in "Process" among 849 data, and there were 28 categories in "Output" among 620 data
- 日本赤十字看護大学の論文
- 2006-03-10
前田 久美子
田中 由紀子
鶴田 惠子
田中 由紀子
鶴田 惠子
日本赤十字看護大学 看護管理学
鶴田 惠子
渡邉 三紀子
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