1P030 Homodimeric Crossover Structure of the Human GCSF-Receptor Signaling Complex(1. Protein structure and dynamics (I),Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 日本生物物理学会の論文
- 2006-10-01
Tamada Taro
Quantum Beam Sci. Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Kuroki Ryota
Quantum Beam Science Directorate Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Maeda Yoshitake
Pharm. Research Lab. Kirin Brewery Co. Ltd.
Honjo Eijiro
Quantum Beam Sci., Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Okamoto Tomoyuki
Pharm. Research Lab., Kirin Brewery Co. Ltd.
Ishibashi Matsujiro
Faculty of Agri., Kagoshima Univ.
Tokunaga Masao
Faculty of Agri., Kagoshima Univ.
Honjo Eijiro
Quantum Beam Science Directorate Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Tokunaga M
Applied And Molecular Microbiology Faculty Of Agriculture Kagoshima University
Ishibashi Matsujiro
Applied And Molecular Microbiology Faculty Of Agriculture Kagoshima University
Okamoto Tomoyuki
Pharm. Research Lab. Kirin Brewery Co. Ltd.
Kuroki Ryota
Quantum Beam Science Directorate Jaea
Tokunaga Masao
Faculty Of Agri. Kagoshima Univ.
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