1134 三次元一括画像相関法による生体軟組織内部の変位場同定の高速化および安定化(S11-2 計測と力学-生体への応用(2),S11 計測と力学-生体への応用)
- 論文の詳細を見る
We propose a highly efficient identification method to measure a three-dimensional displacement field within a biological soft tissue, which is deformed by a material testing machine. Use is made of the full-field digital image correlation method in line with the Levenberg-Marquardt method to identify the displacement from the three-dimensional X-ray CT images. To realize linearly proportional computation time with respect to the number of degrees of freedom, we reduce the procedure to construct the governing equation by using the numerical symmetry of the coefficient matrix and the locality of basis functions. Moreover, we discuss the requirements for stable and accurate identification, since the X-ray CT images hardly have enough contrast in its intensity distribution to identify the whole material points, and propose a stabilizing formulation using the incompressibility of the materials. Numerical examples concerning pure translational or rotational displacement fields, which are artificially given, demonstrate the validity of the proposed method.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2005-09-18
- CT画像を用いた化石の内部構造の復元 : スピリファー類の腕骨形態の例
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