104 共鳴管熱音響エンジンの開端形状と音圧変化(振動・騒音の実験・解析技術(1),騒音・振動改善技術)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Resonance pipe thermoacoustic engines was constructed and its performance was experimentally studied. Two types of stacks, laminated stainless plates and a bundle of ceramic pipes, were used in the experiment. Maximum sound pressure was obtained for a suitable length of the resonance pipe. Sound pressure was found to increase two times when the open end of the resonance pipe was changed to a bell mouth shape from a straight shape. Flow patterns of acoustic streaming at the open end of the pipe are also presented.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2005-07-06
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- 104 共鳴管熱音響エンジンの開端形状と音圧変化(振動・騒音の実験・解析技術(1),騒音・振動改善技術)
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