中国プロテスタンティズムの変容と土着化論の問題 : 上海の事例を中心に
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This paper examines how the concept of "indigenization" has been practiced and interpreted in different socio-political contexts by various actors in the historical transformation of Protestantism in China. In particular, I focus on two types of "indigenization" movements-one was led by government-approved church which originally was mission church, and the other by underground churches originated from local churches established by Chinese-which appeared in the development of Protestantism in Shanghai between the 1920s and the present. In the former type, "indigenization" has been strongly insisted, and their "indigenization" implies anti-imperialism and patriotism. This led western missionaries and scholars to regard that the former is not "indigenization" but just subjection to the government. In the second type, "indigenization" is worthless even if their belief and practice have changed tremendously from western styles. For them, purpose of change is not indigenization but purification of westernized faith, but western missionaries and scholars regard the latter as "indigenization". By way of conclusion, I argue that there has been huge discrepancy in recognizing what is "indigenization" between Chinese Protestants and foreigners especially western missionaries and scholars. This means that the "indigenization" is biased label which is self-proclaimed or attached by others.
- 2005-12-25
論文 | ランダム
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