Phylogenetic Relationships of Actinopterygian Fishes : An Estimation from Extensive Analysis of Their Complete Mitochondiral Genomes(A Synthesis of the Molecular Phylogeny and the Comparative Genomics in Fishes,Symposium,PROCEEDING OF THE 76^<TH> ANNUAL M
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 2005-12-25
Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Nishida Mutsumi
Ocean Research Institute The University Of Tokyo
MIYA Masaki
Natural History Museum & Institute
Miya M
Department Of Zoology Natural History Museum And Institute
宮 正樹
Miya Masaki
Natural History Museum & Institute
Miya Masaki
Department Of Zoology Natural Histrory Museum And Institute
Miya Masaki
Natural History Museum And Institute Chiba
Miya Masaki
Ocean Research Institute University Of Tokyo
Miya Masaki
Department Of Zoology Natural History Museum And Institute
Miya Masaki
Department Of Zoology Natural History Museum & Institute
Nishida Mutsumi
Atmosphere And Ocean Research Institute The University Of Tokyo
- Genetic evidence for multiple geographic populations of the giant mottled eel Anguilla marmorata in the Pacific and Indian oceans
- Complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of the Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus
- Complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica
- Genetic population structure of a reef goby, Bathygobius cocosensis, in the northwestern Pacific
- ミトコンドリア全ゲノムデータによる系統推定 (生物進化の分子マップ) -- (ミトコンドリア)
- Mitochondrial DNA divergence in yoshinobori gobies (Rhinogobius species complex) between the Bonin Islands and the Japan-Ryukyu Archipelago
- Genetic and geographical differentiation of Pandaka gobies in Japan
- Genetic differentiation between two color morphs of Apogon taeniophorus from southern Japan
- Genetic comparison of two color-morphs of Apogon properuptus from southern Japan
- Genetic Differentiation of the Brackish Water Goby, Eutaeniichthys gilli (Perciformes, Gobiidae), between the Japanese and the Ryukyu Archipelagos
- Genetic population structure of Japanese bagrid catfishes
- Genetic Comparison of Two Choerodon (Osteichthyes : Perciformes : Labridae) Color-types from the Southern Coasts of Japan
- Skip of the routine habitat in an amphidromous migration of ayu
- Complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of the Japanese sardine Sardinops melanostictus
- 房総半島太平洋岸沖合の中・深層性魚類:種組成, 豊度, 生物量および生物地理学的特徴
- Ancient Phylogenetic Separation between Pacific and Atlantic Cephalochordates as Revealed by Mitochondrial Genome Analysis(Phylogeny)
- RESULTS SO FAR OBTAINED FROM THE PROJECT OF WORLD-WIDE LANCELET MOLECULAR PHYLOGENY(Taxonomy and Systematics,Abstracts of papers presented at the 74^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- INTRASPECIFIC GENETIC VARIATION OF BRANCHIOSTOMA BELCHERI IN JAPANESE AND CHINESE COASTAL WATERS(Genetics)(Proceedings of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Mitochondrial DNA Variation and Genetic Relationships of Branchiostoma Species from the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans
- PCR-Based Approach for Sequencing Mitochondrial Genomes of Decapod Crustaceans, with a Practical Example from Kuruma Prawn (Marsupenaeus japonicus)
- Organization of the Mitochondrial Genome of Antarctic Krill Euphausia superba (Crustacea : Malacostraca)
- Complete Mitochondrial DNA Sequence of Tigriopus japonicus (Crustacea : Copepoda)
- Phylogenetic relationships of four species of floating gobies (Gymnogobius) as inferred from partial mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences
- The mitochondrial genome of spotted green pufferfish Tetraodon nigroviridis (Teleostei : Tetraodontiformes) and divergence time estimation among model organisms in fishes
- Mitochondrial genomes and phylogeny of the ocean sunfishes (Tetraodontiformes : Molidae)
- The phylogenetic position of an undescribed paedomorphic clupeiform taxon : mitogenomic evidence
- Complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of Aulopus japonicus (Teleostei : Aulopiformes), a basal Eurypterygii : longer DNA sequences and higher-level relationships
- カライワシ類(Elopomorpha)を中心とした下位真骨類の系統
- ウナギ属Anguillaの進化的起源 (特集 ウナギ学2001)
- Genetic differentiation of the bronze featherback Notopterus notopterus between Mekong River and Tonle Sap Lake populations by mitochondrial DNA analysis
- Complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of ayu Plecoglossus altivelis
- Phylogenetic Relationships of Actinopterygian Fishes : An Estimation from Extensive Analysis of Their Complete Mitochondiral Genomes(A Synthesis of the Molecular Phylogeny and the Comparative Genomics in Fishes,Symposium,PROCEEDING OF THE 76^ ANNUAL M
- Unexpected Ceiling of Genetic Differentiation in the Control Region of the Mitochondrial DNA between Different Subspecies of the Ayu Plecoglossus altivelis(Animal Diversity and Evolution)
- Validity of fluctuating asymmetry as a gauge of genetic stress in ayu stocks
- Comparative phylogeography of bagrid catfishes in Taiwan
- Isolation of microsatellite markers by in silico screening implicated for genetic linkage mapping in Japanese pufferfish Takifugu rubripes
- Mitochondrial genome and a nuclear gene indicate a novel phylogenetic position of deep-sea tube-eye fish (Stylephoridae)
- New primers for amplifying and sequencing the mitochondrial ND4/ND5 gene region of the Cypriniformes (Actinopterygii : Ostariophysi)
- Molecular phylogenetic perspective on the evolution of the deep-sea fish genus Cyclothone (Stomiiformes : Gonostomatidae)
- EVOLUTION OF HATCHING ENZYME GENES IN TELEOST(Taxonomy and Systematics,Abstracts of papers presented at the 76^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Organization of the Mitochondrial Genome of a Deep-Sea Fish, Gonostoma gracile (Teleostei: Stomiiformes): First Example of Transfer RNA Gene Rearrangements in Bony Fishes
- PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIP OF CORBICULA CLAMS IN ASIA(Taxonomy and Systematics,Abstracts of papers presented at the 74^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Genetic structure of land-locked ayu within the Biwa Lake system
- 脊椎動物の系統進化 (総特集 海洋生命系のダイナミクス) -- (1章 生命史のダイナミクス--海に起源した生命はどのように進化してきたか?)
- Midwater fishes of the Southern Ocean south of Australia (extended abstract)
- Some aspects of the biology of the goblin shark, Mitsukurina owstoni, collected from the Tokyo Submarine Canyon and adjacent waters, Japan
- First record of the platytroctid fish,Mentodus facilis(Salmoniformes:Alepocephaloidea)from Japanese waters
- New Complete Mitochondrial DNA Sequence of the Lancelet Branchiostoma lanceolatum(Cephalochordata) and the Identity of this Species' Sequences(Phylogeny)
- 分子系統からみた深海性魚類の進化
- 太平洋初記録のヨコエソ科魚類チヒロウスオニハダカ(新称) ならびにその地理分布
- 太平洋初期録のヨコエソ科魚類チヒロウスオニハダカ (新称) ならびにその地理分布
- 相模湾の定点から採集されたウナギ目の葉形幼生
- Low genetic differentiation between two geographically separated populations of demersal gadiform fishes in the Southern Hemisphere
- A molecular timescale for the evolution of the African freshwater fish family Kneriidae (Teleostei : Gonorynchiformes)
- Significance of intensive and extensive genetic analyses of natural populations in evolution and conservation(Sustainable Yield and Population Conservation for Marine Organisms from the Point of View of Genetic Resources,International Workshop in Faculty
- Molecular phylogenetic relationship of Tetraodon pufferfish based on mitochondrial DNA analysis