19世紀におけるパリのパサージュの建設事業と権利の細分化 : パリの都市商業施設パサージュに関する研究(その1)
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This paper aims to analyze the characteristics of the construction of the "passages", urban shopping malls, in Paris in the 19^<th> century, which connoted the subdivision of their property through alienation. Making an analysis with primary documents such as the notarial deeds and the "Premier Sommier Foncier", we verified: 1) the temporal and geographical coincidence of the boom in construction of "passages" inside the built-up area with the boom in speculative land subdivisions outside that; 2) the similarity of the social titles of the developers of those two kinds of operations; 3) the financial management of the construction of "passages" dependent on the external capitals; and 4) the process of subdivision of the property through alienation as well as secondary speculations in the subdivided properties for the purpose of renting the shops comprising the "passage". Thus the speculative construction of "passages" could result in the subdivision for sale which implied probable difficulties in their maintenance to be executed by multiple proprietors and renters.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 2007-02-28
- 19世紀におけるパリのパサージュの建設事業と権利の細分化 : パリの都市商業施設パサージュに関する研究(その1)
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