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Clarification of the relationship between experiences in sports and personality development has been one of the most important issues in sport psychology. The present study focused on the relationship between the adoption of a belief in life skills through participation in athletic clubs as an opportunity for personality development, and time perspective (TP) as a psychological aspect that is related to adoption of this belief. In study 1, a questionnaire to measure the adoption of a belief in life skills through participation in athletic clubs (BLSQ) was developed through an investigation carried out on 563 college students who belonged to athletic clubs in high school or junior high school. It consisted of 4 subscales; positive thinking, endurance, propriety, and cooperation. The reliability of the BLSQ was verified, but the validity of it was not strictly verified. The factors related to adoption of the belief were identified through the preliminary investigation. In study 2, the BLSQ, the experimental time perspective scale (ETPS), and a survey of experiences in athletic clubs were introduced to 180 freshmen who belonged to athletic clubs at high school. From the results of study 2, it was clarified that (1) insight into self-experiences in athletic clubs was related to adoption of a belief in positive thinking and endurance. On the other hand, actual experiences in daily life were related to the adoption of a belief of propriety and cooperation. (2) A belief in life skills would be related to the development of TP through an affirmative interpretation of experiences gained at the athletic clubs. Consequently, it is considered that an affirmative interpretation of experiences at athletic clubs as experiences that facilitate the acquisition of life skills, leads to the development of TP.
- 2007-01-10
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