中国開放課件運動的発展及其挑戦 : 国家精品課程建設項目和中国開放式教育資源共享協会的案例
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この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。A project named Open Course Ware (OCW) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is changing the world. So far, the University has published over 1259 courses from 33 departments, including tests, problem sets, syllabi, course notes and video lectures on the Internet, free and available to anyone with a computer to access as part of the project. Following the mission of disseminating and sharing the knowledge, many universities and organizations in U.S., China, Japan, Vietnam and the Spanish and Portuguese countries have joined in it. The OCW project has great meaning for adult higher learning. This article introduces the development of the OCW project in China. It focuses on the sample of the "China National Program for Elaborate Courses" (CNPEC) and "China Open Resources for Education" (CORE). During this article, authors give the reasons of the CNPEC program and analyze the statistic data of the 750 courses which the CNPEC has published for last three years. The distribution of the discipline and colleges is showed in the figures and tables. A non-government organization, CORE is also introduced in the thesis. Its mission is to coordinate and utilize OCW from MIT to enhance the quality of education in China and introduce the CNPEC to the world. Currently, COREs' programs include a Chinese and English Web site, annual conferences, training sessions, seminars and others. In the end, authors discuss the future and the challenge which the open course ware faces in the China.
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