「サービス(労働)=不生産的労働」説的破綻と原因 : 金子ハルオ氏の見解の到達点(現代サービスに関する理論的・実証的研究,総合研究)
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Since the 1970s, productive labor theory has evolved into debate over value creation in service labor. Haruo Kaneko has taken the traditional approach, maintaining the non-productive value of service labor and vigorously debunking all arguments to the contrary. This paper presents a general discourse on Kaneko's arguments. Each issue is treated in a separate chapter. The fundamental issues are sorted into three related areas. The first area concerns the dual fragility of the recognition of services through the ages. Firstly, with respect to the development of services in mid 19^<th>-century England, the setting for Marx's Dienst, Marx's 'un-development' is refuted. However, the interpretation of the materials used to refute Marx here is flawed; furthermore, the constructive role of modern services is only acknowledged on the surface. Thus, it is not in fact recognized at all, but is instead considered to be no more than non-productive labor. Secondly, the concept of services has yet to mature-for instance, the nature of the exchange with service labor and with revenue, the consumption process, and the reduction of service labor means to consumer goods. These are the by-products of over-dependence on Dienst. Finally, we have the two shortcomings of the 'proof of the refutation of the theory of value creation by service labor. The first shortcoming is the way in which service labor is treated specifically as labor and usage value. The second is the way in which the basis for refuting labor value formation is sought from aspects such as refuting the conversion of service labor into the labor force. Kaneko's theory needs to look more closely at modern services and move away from the idea of non-productive labor.
- 日本大学の論文
- 1999-03-31
- サービス経済論争の概観 : サービス概念を中心に
- 「サービス(労働)=不生産的労働」説的破綻と原因 : 金子ハルオ氏の見解の到達点(現代サービスに関する理論的・実証的研究,総合研究)
- はしがき(現代サービスに関する理論的・実証的研究,総合研究)
- はしがき(現代サービスの理論的・実証的研究,総合研究)
- 現代サービス経済論体系への序言-課題と方法-
- はしがき