- 論文の詳細を見る
Distributed energy system (DES) was highly positioned in "Energy Supply and Demand Outlook in 2030" issued by METI in 2005 and it is expected to be introduced more than 20% of nationwide generating capacity in 2030. This is mainly because introduction of DES is expected to reduce primary energy consumption, CO_2 emission, to increase energy supply reliability, to develop employment and local industries and so on. Cogeneration system is one of the most promising DES and total generating capacity has reached 8.0 GW at the end of May, 2005 and accounts for 3.0% of nationwide generating capacity. In order to fulfill previous outlook, it is necessary for cogeneration to penetrate those customers whose heat to power ratio is smaller than one, because most of thermal load dominant customers have already introduced cogeneration. In order to realize this situation, highly efficient gas engine has recently been developed by foreign and domestic manufacturers and begun to be introduced by industrial customers. This paper introduces the background of technical developments, latest technologies and future technical developments of highly efficient gas engines.
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