- 論文の詳細を見る
Newly developed optimal control theory based on energy equation was introduced. The point of this theory is to utilize the self solving mechanism which is included in closed loop systems as a general characteristic. For this purpose, the energy equation of controlled system is focused on. In this method, the functional consists of total energy of controlled system, performance function and energy function. This energy function is described by energy flow which is transmitted from controller to controlled system. Being shown as a first-order expression concerning control variables, the functional is able to induce the optimal system equation from the condition which minimizes the functional. Then optimal control is realized by putting the optimal equation into closed loop system without solving the equation. This method is useful for nonlinear mechanical control systems because real time control can be realized by this method. In this research, computer simulation plays important roles, especially in proving the theoretical assumptions, understanding the meaning of the mathematical equations exactly and so on. Looking over these works, the importance of simulation was presented.
- 日本シミュレーション学会の論文
- 2006-12-15
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