- 論文の詳細を見る
When renovating house lighting, people want to have one more convenient and more suitable to their individual tastes than the one they have now. Manufacturers are actively developing new lighting fixtures that are friendly to the aged, helpful in natural disasters and crime prevention, and also sophisticated as interior decoration. To meet consumer demands, efforts are necessary to give information on said products to users and also ensure that the products will be bought and used correctly.
- 2007-01-01
論文 | ランダム
- M.Cross and H.Greenside, Pattern Formation and Dynamics in Nonequilibrium Systems, Cambridge Univ.Press, New York, 2009, xvi+536p, 25×18cm, £45.00, [学部向], ISBN978-0-521-77050-7
- D.Bouwmeester, A.Ekert, A.Zeilinger著編, 西野哲朗,井元信之監訳, 量子情報の物理-量子暗号,量子テレポーテーション,量子計算-, 共立出版, 東京, 2008, xiv+384p, 22×15cm, 本体5,300円, [大学院向], ISBN978-4-320-03431-0
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