On a Giant Thracidora from the Hayama Group, Miura Peninsula
7 哺乳類の range について
哺乳類のRangeについて : 日本新第三系の生層序と放射年代
鹿科Deperetia亜属について : 古生物
東シナ海域の陸橋 : 九州周辺海域の地質学的諸問題
和歌山県潮岬産イモガイの 1 新種
千葉県銚子半島の地質 : 白亜系を中心として
Notes on the Cone Fauna of the Shionomisaki Area, Southern Kii, Japan
満水層の底生有孔虫群集について : 古生物
On an Elephant found at Ikebukuro Station, Tokyo
日本のNerinea類について : 古生物
On Some Nerineid Gastropoda in Japan : Preliminary Report
Description of New Marine Gastropoda from the East and South China Seas
Fossil Crocodilia from Tsochin, Southwestern Taiwan
Benthonic Foraminifera of the Tamari Formation in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan
Late Cretaceous Rudistes from Uwajima, Ehime Prefecture, Shikoku, Japan
Fossil Mammals from the Shibikawa Formation in Oga Peninsula, Akita Prefecture
On Two New Allied Cowry and Cowry Shells from South African Sea
On Some Noteworthy Marine Gastropoda from Southwestern Japan (III)
Molluscan Fauna of the Miocene Morozaki Group in the Southern Part of Chita Peninsula, Aichi Prefecture, Japan
Fossil Proboscidea from Taiwan (II)
Fossil Proboscidea from Taiwan (II)
Fossil Proboscidea from Taiwan (I)
Fossil Proboscidean Tooth from Iwaki City, Hukushima Prefecture
Descriptions of New and Noteworty Gastropoda from Western Pacific and Indian Oceans
On the Mode of Occurrence of Ammonites in the Nishinakayama Formation, Toyora Group
Additional Notes on the Postcranial Skeletons of Japanese Desmostylia
Supplement to the System and Evolution of Japanese Fulgorarid Gastropoda
On Some Mesosaurus Skeletons kept in Japan
Molluscan Assemblages of the Basal Part of the Zushi Formation in the Miura Peninsula
On Some Noteworthy Marine Gastropoda from Southwestern Japan (II)
On a Giant Thracidora from the Hayama Group, Miura Peninsula