差動接続形音さフィルタ について
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This paper deals with the differential type filter constructed with two tuning-forks. Having no coupler, this filter is simpler and is more suitable for mass-production than the coupler type. First, the theoretical analysis for the narrow band type filter consisting of only two tuning-forks and for the wide band type filter employing the inductance coils at the both electrical terminals are described. Lastly, the experimental results of the frequency characteristics for the two types mentioned above are described. It is of interest that the composition of differential filter is easily accomplished by connecting the electrical terminals of two tuning-forks and the symmetrical attenuation characteristic is obtained only when the values of the equivalent inductances are equal to each other (L_1=L_2).
- 山形大学の論文
- 1967-01-20
- 複合音叉フィルタに関する二三の実験
- 折返し形振動子に関する二三の実験
- H形音叉の設計について
- 一端に負荷をもつ横振動細棒の等価回路解析
- 横振動段付音片の共振周波数と振動姿態
- コ字形およびH形双共振フィルタ
- わく形双共振子を用いたメカニカル・フィルタ
- H形振動子とその応用
- 双共振音さとそのメカニカル・フィルタへの応用について
- 磁気脱進形音さ時計の設計に関する一考察