イノベーションの制度基盤 : 創薬と審査制度を題材に(第一部 寄稿論文集)
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It is entrepreneurs who carry out innovations. Therefore, the mostimportant factor to facilitate innovation is entrepreneurial activity.The more capable are entrepreneurs, however, the more serious considerationthey pay to the environment where they would carry out innovation.In this sense, institutional setting is still of vital importance to theentrepreneurial activity. Particularly in the knowledge intensive industriessuch as electronics, computer, software, bio-medical technologiesand so on, legal condition, knowledge infrastructure, university-businessrelation, national policies on science, business and comeptitivenessand other institutional settings are critical to innovative decision.This paper will examine institutional settings for new pharmaceuticalexploration and development in Japan in comparison with those of theUnited States, or other European countries. Major focus is on institutionaldifferences in terms of a) preparations for market launchapproval application, b) official examination of applications and c)reimbursement prices for pharmaceuticals. It is argued that the uniqueinstitution of Japanese pharmaceutical industry, such as governmentallycontrolled reimbursement prices or doctors extraordinary bargainingpower, is found to charge extra transaction (and transformation) costson earning market launch approvals, as well as on investing substantialresources in research and development activities in Japan. Severalevidences that show both comparative deficiencies and recent sharpdecreases in new pharmaceutical approvals in Japan are cited aseconomic consequences resulted from additional transaction (and transformation) costs suffered by Japanese pharmaceutical firms. Significantlack of incentives for new pharmaceutical development is alsoattributed to institutionally burdened transaction (and transformation)costs. Some implications, including urgent need for restructuring theJapanese institutions or unique importance of universities and biotechventures spun out from universities, are discussed based on the resultsof the analysis.
- 2006-03-03