台湾統治初期の地方行政 : 「臨時台湾戸口調査」はいかなる状況の下で実施されたか(第一部 寄稿論文集)
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This paper attempts to give a brief account of the historical backgroundssurrounding the first population census in Taiwan. The censuswas undertaken by the Japanese rulers of the island in 1905, fifteenyears before a similar universal population survey was carried out inJapan itself. A study of some provincial records of 1902 revealed thefollowing significant facts. Firstly, each provincial office (cho) devotedits energies to suppressing revolts of both Chinese and indigenousinhabitants of the island. In the second place, however, at the sametime, the records also indicate that the provincial offices were hasteningto construct modernized social infrastructures, such as medicalsystems, educational institutions, railways, roads, and other amenities.These activities gradually brought about a more positive attitudetowards Japanese rule among the people of Taiwan. The implementationof the first population census in 1905 must be interpreted in thelight of this mixture of policies.
- 2006-03-03
- 台湾統治初期の地方行政 : 「臨時台湾戸口調査」はいかなる状況の下で実施されたか(第一部 寄稿論文集)
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