- 論文の詳細を見る
We performed a cohort study on the physical development, eruption of permanent teeth, and contraction of dental caries in school children. To establish criteria for the effective maintenance of dental hygiene, we analyzed the relationship between the eruption of permanent teeth and contraction of dental caries based on the physical development. The subjects were 373 elementary school children in Koriyama City, consisting of 215 boys and 158 girls, who were examined from their first to sixth grade between 1992 and 2000. The following results were obtained. There was a high correlation between the height of the first-grade and sixth-grade children. Subjects were grouped according to height in the first grade, an indicator of the physical development. We analyzed the relationship between the eruption of permanent teeth and contraction of dental caries based on the physical development. 1. The number of erupted permanent teeth tended to be larger in the physically more developed boys, and the eruption of permanent teeth was positively correlated with the physical development. In the girls, such a tendency was not noted. 2. With regard to the incidence of dental caries, there were no significant differences between the DMFT Index or the rate of teeth and the physical development at each grade group, or in boys and girls. The DMFT Index at different school grades showed that all the teeth with DMFT were first molars up to the third grade, and first molars with DMFT accounted for the markedly high percentage in the sixth grade. 3. Significant differences both the DMFT Index at the sixth grade in each grade group of tooth eruption and the cumulative percentage of children with tooth eruption at different groups of physical development were found in upper teeth, upper lateral incisors in boys and upper first premolars in girls. The prevalence of dental caries was high in early erupted teeth group, including first molars. The present study revealed the characteristic eruption pattern in boys and girls, and the caries prone teeth. These results suggested the potential of the effective cares prevention by promoting dental health approach with the use of caries prone teeth as an indicator.
- 奥羽大学の論文
- 2006-06-30
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