OJ-122 Comparison between ATP and Isoproterenol Tilt Testing in Patients with Unexplained Syncope(ECG/Body surface potential mapping/Holter-2 (A) OJ21,Oral Presentation (Japanese),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 2006-03-01
隈崎 達夫
Kobayashi Youichi
The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Showa University school of Medicine
Katagiri Takashi
The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Showa University school of Medicine
Tanno Kaoru
the third department of internral medicine, showa university scholl of medicine
Kawamura Mitsuharu
the third department of internral medicine, showa university scholl of medicine
asano taku
the third department of internral medicine, showa university scholl of medicine
Miyoshi Fumito
The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Showa University School of Medicine
Kawamura Mitsuharu
Division Of Cardiology Department Of Medicine Showa University
Tanno K
Division Of Cardiology Department Of Medicine Showa University
Tanno Kaoru
昭和大学 第三内科
Miyoshi Fumito
Division Of Cardiology Department Of Medicine Showa University
Itou Takayuki
The Third Department Of Internal Medicine Showa University
Watanabe Norikazu
The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Showa University School of Medicine
Onuki Tatsuya
Division Of Cardiology Department Of Medicine Showa University
Katagiri Takashi
Department Of Medicine Division Of Cardiology Showa University School Of Medicine
Kobayashi Youichi
The Third Department Of Internal Medicine School Of Medicine Showa University
Nakagawa Haruyuki
The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Showa University School of Medicine
Onuki Tatuya
The third department of internal medicine, Showa University
Nakagawa Haruyuki
Third Department Of Internal Medicine Shouwa University School Of Medicine
Watanabe Norikazu
Division Of Cardiology Department Of Medicine Showa University
Katagiri Takashi
The Third Department Of Internal Medicine Showa University
Kusuyama Taro
Department Of Medicine Division Of Cardiology Showa University School Of Medicine
Kanebayashi Yuka
Divisional Of Cardiology Department Of Internal Medicine Kanto Rosai Hospital
Kawamura Mitsuharu
The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Showa University School of Medicine
Tanno Kaoru
The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Showa University School of Medicine
Asano Taku
The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Showa University School of Medicine
- 間歇性跛行症例に対する薬効評価法 - 日本脈管学会間歇性は行重症度評価小委員会報告 -
- 心臓核医学検査ガイドライン(循環器病の診断と治療に関するガイドライン(2003-2004年度合同研究班報告))
- 偽腔(血栓)閉塞型大動脈解離をどう診療するか:多施設調査結果をふまえて
- 大動脈解離診療ガイドライン(循環器病の診断と治療に関するガイドライン(1998-1999年度合同研究班報告))
- 大動脈解離診療ガイドライン
- ダイジェスト版 : 心臓核医学検査ガイドライン
- 心臓核医学検査ガイドライン
- 血栓の色調からみた急性肺血栓塞栓症の臨床的特徴
- 末梢型小型肺腺癌の CT 画像所見と確定診断に至る経緯の検討
- 末梢型小型肺癌の診断に関する問題点の検討
- D-44 末梢型小型肺癌の診断に関する問題点の検討(微小肺癌 2)(第 21 回日本気管支学会総会)
- 半導体検出器搭載モバイル型ガンマカメラ Digirad 2020tc Imager^ を用いた左室機能解析
- P788 ^Tl-Cl/^Tc-sestamibiを用いたドブタミン負荷心筋シンチグラフィ短時間収集心拍同期SPECTによる心筋虚血の評価
- 心筋梗塞症例における^I-iodophenyl-9-methyl-pcmadecanoic acid(9MPA)心筋シンチグラフィ : ^Tc-sestamibi心拍同期心筋SPECTを用い解析した局所収縮能との比較検討
- モバイル型ガンマカメラを併用した原発性上皮小体機能亢進症に対する Radio-guided parathyroidectomy
- 重症急性肺塞栓症に対する積極的カテーテル治療の効果
- 51)Popliteal venous aneurysmが原因と考えられた急性肺血栓塞栓症の一例(日本循環器学会 第181回関東甲信越地方会)
- 81) 拡大偽腔の圧排ぬよる左総腸骨動脈亜完全閉塞に対して自己拡張型ステント留置が奏効した逆性III型急性大動脈解離の一例(日本循環器学会 第180回関東甲信越地方会)
- D-39 荒川区がん予防センターにおけるらせんCTによる肺癌1次検診(CT検診)の追跡調査
- 日本医学放射線学会ヨード造影剤予備テストに関する検討委員会委員会報告
- 肺末梢肺癌に対するCTガイド下肺針生検法 : Biopsy Gunによる組織診と従来の吸引細胞診との比較および併用の有用性について
- Multidetector-row CT による肺血栓塞栓症の画像診断
- 胆道・肝・膵の出血
- カテーテル血管内治療の効用と限界 (特集 重症急性肺血栓塞栓症を考える)
- 重症骨盤骨折に対するIVR
- 東京都豊島区におけるマンモグラフィ併用乳癌検診(平成12年度)についての検討
- 浸潤性膀胱癌に対する閉鎖循環下抗癌剤灌流療法 : 治療効果と副作用について
- 原発性肝癌破裂例に対する肝動脈塞栓術
- 151 気管ステント挿入による気管音の変化の検討(ステント 2)
- 253 INS64回線を用いた遠隔画像診断の実際と問題点
- ^Tc-sestamibi 心拍同期心筋シンチグラフィを用いた急性心筋梗塞における局所壁収縮能異常に関する検討 : Wall Thickening および Regional Ejection Fraction による罹患冠動脈検出能について
- 三次元CT(螺旋走査型CT)を用いた先天性異常血管の評価
- 小児心外血管病変における回転デジタル血管造影法の有用性について
- 半導体検出器を用いた心プールシンチグラフィ : 拍動型心臓ファントムによるアンガー型カメラとの比較
- 回転立体デジタル心・血管造影法による先天性心疾患の形態学的評価の有用性
- マルチスライスCTの有用性 (特集 プライマリ・ケアのための画像診断と医療連携) -- (画像診断装置の新しい技術)
- CT perfusion と CT angiography を用いた急性期脳虚血性病変の評価
- MDCT Angiography と Advanced Vessel Analysis を用いた新しい血管病変の画像診断と解析
- Single-detector-rowおよびMultidetector-row CTを用いた三次元CT血管造影法による骨盤・下肢血管病変の低侵襲的診断
- 下垂体微小腺腫の診断におけるMultiphase Helical CT(MHCT)の有用性
- 画像診断 : 急性腹症(血管)
- CT Perfusionの臨床応用:CT Angiography併用による急性期脳梗塞の診断 (特集 脳画像診断の最近の進歩)
- 頭部造影T_1強調像におけるblack-blood法を用いた静脈洞の信号抑制の試み
- 下垂体腺腫に対するmagnetization transfer contrast (MTC)法を用いた初期臨床評価
- 1049 重症急性膵炎に対する動注療法 : 予後点数、APACHE IIおよび重症度スコアの推移
- Inhibitory Effect of Valsartan Against Progression of Left Ventricular Dysfunction After Myocardial Infarction : T-VENTURE Study
- OE-260 Impact of Cardiac Rehabilitation on 10-year Mortality in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction(OE44,Exercise Test/Cardiac Rehabilitation (H),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- OE-256 Effects of Cardiac Rehabilitation are Pronounced in Elderly Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction(OE44,Exercise Test/Cardiac Rehabilitation (H),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- Small LDL-Cholesterol is Superior to LDL-Cholesterol for Determining Severe Coronary Atherosclerosis
- High-Dose Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor Promotes Neointimal Hyperplasia in the Early Phase and Inhibits Neointimal Hyperplasia in the Late Phase After Vascular Injury
- PE-150 Acceleration of vascular repair after injury in adiponectin-overexpressing mice.(Atherosclerosis, basic(04)(IHD),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-811 Effect of Candesartan on the Lipid Metabolism of Hypertensive Patients with Focused on Small Dense LDL-C(Hypertension, clinical-10, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- カテーテルの回転による急性塊状肺血栓の破砕治療
- 腸骨動脈領域におけるメモサ-ム血管ステントの臨床的有用性の検討 - 多施設共同研究 -
- 骨盤骨折のTranscatheter Arterial Embolization(TAE)
- 回転デジタル血管撮影下経カテーテル的動脈塞栓術で止血し得た空腸平滑筋腫の1切除例
- 急性肺血栓塞栓症に対するInterventional Radiology の進歩
- 血管病変の画像診断1高速らせんCTの登場は何をもたらしたか,そして何をもたらすのか
- PP380 小児生体肝移植術前症例に対する~Tc-GSA-SSPの試み
- PP695 肝における脾静脈血流分布と各種肝機能検査および肝容積との比較
- 552 多発肝癌に対するSMANCS/Lipiodolリザーバー動注療法の臨床成績
- R-72 原発性肝癌に対する腹腔鏡下肝切除術の経験
- W4-3 肝硬変症に伴う食道・胃静脈瘤に対するIVRとIVE
- Moving-table MR angiographyによるvascular treeの構築-連続画像合成プログラムの開発と初期臨床経験-
- PP467 門脈大循環短絡路塞栓術, 部分脾動脈塞栓術(PSE)同時施工例の検討
- OE-410 Long-term Effects of Dietary-lifestyle Modification at 6 months after Hospital Discharge in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction(OE69,ACS/AMI (Clinical/Treatment) 2 (IHD),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Ja
- FRS-020 Adiponectin Transgenic Mice can Strongly Suppress Neointimal Hyperplasia after Vascular Injury without Enhanced Expression of It's Receptor in Vessels(FRS4,Topics in Peripheral Arterial Disease (H),Featured Research Session (English),The 73rd Annu
- PJ-901 Strong Correlation between Small LDL-Cholesterol and Negative Net Charge Fraction of LDL in Patients with and without Coronary Artery Disease(Lipid disorders(05)(H),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circula
- PJ-233 Elevated Small Dense Low-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol to Risk Marker for Stable Coronary Heart Disease, Independent of Adiponectin and C-reactive protein(Atherosclerosis,clinical(10)(IHD),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeti
- PJ-167 Remarkably High Levels of Small LDL-cholesterol in Younger Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome and Metabolic Syndrome(Preventive medicine/Epidemiology/Education(05)(H),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Ci
- PE-502 Not LDL-Cholesterol But Apolipoprotein A1 is an Important Risk Marker for Severe Coronary Atherosclerosis in Patients Treated with Lipid-lowering Drugs(Atherosclerosis, clinical(08)(IHD),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of
- 2 High Levels of Small Dense LDL-cholesterol as Atherogenic and Metabolic LDL in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome(Symposium 3 (SY-03) (IHD) Metabolic Syndrome and Atherosclerosis,Special Program,The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circ
- PJ-809 ACE-Inhibitors and Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists (ARB) Have Stronger Effects on Matrix Metalloproteinase Pathway and Anti-inflammation than Ca-antagonists(Hypertension, clinical-10, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulati
- PJ-285 Histological Features Around the Three Aortic Cusp Regions, Implication for the Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation for Atrial and Ventricular Tachycardia(Arrhythmia, diagnosis/pathophysiology/EPS-14, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese
- Manual Aspiration Thrombectomy with a Standard PTCA Guiding Catheter for Treatment of Acute Massive Pulmonary Thromboembolism
- Renal Artery Stenosis in a Patient with Leriche Syndrome : Brachial Artery Access for Stent Placement
- Difference in the Clinical Course of Acute Massive Pulmonary Embolism : In-Hospital vs Out-Hospital Onset
- Comparison of aggressive interventional therapy with traditional thrombolysis for acute massive pulmonary embolism
- 抗癌剤灌流療法の基礎研究と臨床応用 (第1特集 最先端のIVR)
- 画像診断を中心として
- 急性肺血栓塞栓症に対するIVR (第1土曜特集 重要疾患におけるIVRの最新動向)
- P-270 らせんCTによる肺癌1次検診 : 2年間のフォローアップ成績(示説,集検,第40回日本肺癌学会総会号)
- Computed Radiographyによる肺癌検診比較読影システムの開発とその臨床応用
- PJ-143 Synergistic Effects of Cardiac Rehabilitation with Lipid-lowering Therapy on Amelioration of Small Dense LDL in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome(Acute coronary syndrome, basic/clinical-7, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circ
- PJ-098 Left Ventricular Torsion Measured by Speckle Tracking Imaging will be New Quantitative Approach for Assessment of Systolic Function(Echo/Doppler-14, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-073 Mechanism of Neurally Mediated Syncope(Autonomic nervous system-3, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 心臓核医学の実際と今後の展開
- 特集にあたって
- 心電図同期心プールSPECTデータを用いた心機能解析 : QBSによる心内膜面自動抽出法に基づく機能解析
- 脈管画像診断の進歩とIVR-コペルニクス的発想転換の虚実
- われわれのケロイドに対する術後電子線照射療法の治療成績 : 18ヶ月以上の経過観察症例について
- 血管壁と動脈硬化病変でのHDL(Apo A-1), LDL(Apo B)の局在の変化
- PE-455 Increases in Serum Metalloproteinase-1, -13, and Interleukin-6 in the Culprit Coronary Artery in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction(Infection/Inflammation/Immunity-2, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PE-301 Low-density Lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol Levels Under Estimate Atherogenic LDL-cholesterol at Onset Acute Coronary Syndrome(Atherosclerosis, clinical-07, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PE-291 Significance of Small Dense LDL-Cholesterol, CRP, and Adiponectin as a Biomarkers to Predict Coronary Events in Stable Coronary Heart Disease(Atherosclerosis, clinical-06, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PE-169 Effect of Frequent Cardiac Rehabilitation on Heart Rate Recovery after Exercise(Exercise test/Cardiac rehabilitation-4, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- OJ-262 Effects of Pioglitazone on the Metabolic Syndrome Complicated with Hypertension plus Diabetes Mellitus(Cardiovascular pharmacology, basic/clinical-2, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 38.気道狭窄に対する金属ステントによる治療経験 : 第124回日本肺癌学会関東支部会
- Multi-detector row CT : 基礎とその特徴を活かした臨床応用
- 脂肪抑制併用造影3次元MR angiography による閉塞性動脈硬化症の診断と治療効果判定