現代日本語の文学作品における受身文の研究 : 韓国語との対応関係分析を中心として
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We investigated the Korean translations of the four Japanese novels in order to find out how they translated the Japanese passive sentences into Korean. The results are as follows: 1. The Japanese 563 (100%) passive sentences are translated into 299 (52.6%) passive sentences, 213 (37.5%) active sentences, and 56 (9.9%) other sentences. 2. When we examine the Japanese passive sentences translated into active in Korean, we find that 208 sentences contain transitive verbs and 5 sentences contain intransitive verbs. Percentage of transitive verb sentences is 36.9 (208/563)% and intransitive verb sentences is 100 (5/5) 5%. 3. In the case of indirect passive sentences in Japanese, they frequently correspond to active sentences in Korean. In the case of Japanese direct passive sentences, they correspond to Korean active sentences when they have animate subjects. Based on the above results, we conclude the following: The reason why Korean has more active sentences than Japanese is not that Korean has more constrains on the passive sentences, but that they use different viewpoints when they describe events. In Japanese they take the viewpoint of the subject and focus on the result of the action. In addition to that, they make the subject in the subordinate clause agree to the subject in the main clause. They use more passive voice in Japanese. In contrast to that, Korean takes the viewpoint of the agent in the event, and describes the event directly. This makes Koreans use more active sentences than Japanese people.
- 2006-02-28
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