15) Semantic Differential(意味微分)法による建物の色彩効果の測定
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to measure the color effects of various rooms of buildings by the Semantic Differential Method. This measurement is the psychological "measurement" of the consolidated color effect of a room and is something like the physical measurement of "a color" to be composed of various colors of all the parts of a room. This requires some variables of pairs of adjectives which properly selected to represent the color effect, as the above physical measurement requires three variables, such as dominant wavelength, purity and luminous reflectance. In order to describe the color effect, we may be allow to use as many adjectives available as required. However it should be most desirable to minimize the number of adjectives to be used for the purpose of putting in order the adequate description of the color effect. Thus we intend to establish principles governing relation ships among those adjectives. And then we may be able to evaluate the color effect with combination of some pairs of rated adjectives. This should be a method to describe the characteristics which a room in question has in its consolidated color effect. And in near future we will know also the relation of the psychological color effect to the physical color of a room. At the first stage of the study, this paper is concerned with that with how many and what kind of adjectives the color effects are described and what is the minimum number of variables or dimensios describing them. The process of the experiments are as follows: 1) collecting many adjectives that can describe the color of the room. 2) selecting 30 pairs of adjectives, for instance warm-cold, old-new. 3) selecting 25 color photographs of various room, such as hospital's sick room, movie theatre lobbies. 4) making observers (students of university, both boys and girls) evaluate the 25 photographs by the 30 pairs of adjectives. 5) from the data obtained from the above experiment, calculating correlation matrix among those 30 pairs of adjectives, substituting correlation matrix with factor matrix, then deciding factors of meanings and their loadings. The fact is that the consolidated color effect of the room is described with five factors, that is dynamism, sensory pleasure, freshness, warmth and strength. The significance of this study is to point out the importance of factorsss of dynamism, freshness and warmth. So far the color effect has usually been appreciated only with a factor of sensory pleasure. The development of the method shall be treated separately at a later date.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1961-03-30
- ホテル建築と照明
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