2 梁形断面に対するコンクリートの充てん性に関する実験的研究
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The composite type anti-seismic structure developed in Japan for multistory construction generally entails structural members with an exceedingly high relative quantity of steel cast in concrete. This dense placement of steel sections and rainforcement bars in concrete results in a high resistance to the flow or plastic deformation of fresh concrete when poured into forms, and eventually leads to appearances of honeycomb or voide defects especially at soffit portions directly under lower corde flange plates of girders. In this report the term "Fill-up-ability" is used for expressing a property pertaining to fresh concrete which is basically the accumulative result of the following three conditions: (1) Material properties of concrete mixture itself comming from its flowability or plastic deformability. (2) Suppressive conditions within forms which hinder the flow or plastic deformation of concrete mixture when it is placed. (3) External forces which are applied to facilitate the flow or plastic deformation of concrete mixture within forms, such as impulses caused by dropping or falling at the time of placement, and vibration applied by mecanical vibrators. Test girder sections were made imitating actual sections of concrete structures. They were given varied suppressive conditions against the flow of concret mix, i.e., with different arrangement of steel sections and reinforcement bars within the test forms. Keeping external force conditions the same, concrete mix with differing material properties was placed in those test forms. The fill-up-ability of concret mix with various properties when poured into the forms of gider type sections of varied suppressive conditions was observed both quantitativly and qualitatively. An index termed "Degree of Fill-up-ability" was created by the author to measure quantitatively the fill-up-ability. Summary Conclusion 1. It was observed that, under same external force conditions and same suppresive conditions, though concrete mix may have idential slumps, its degree of fill-up-ability will differ considerably due to other material properties, and that the existance of a broad range of difference is evident. 2. The fill-up-ability becomes more favorable as the slump is increased, but there are different allowable limit value of slump corresponding to the different strength of suppresive condition and the different material propertie of fresh concrete. 3. The fill-up-ability becomes more favorable as the sand ratio is increased (experiments were performed from 27% up to 41.5%) and the unit cement content is increased, air-entrained concrete shows better fill-up-ability than plain concrete, 4. Concrete with light sand and light gravel show instable qualities of separating easily, and its fill-up-ability was unfavorable in contrast with concrete with river sand and light gravel which shows stable qualities and favorable fill-up-ability. 5. Among the sample girder section of the three structural type, namely, reinforced concret structur, concret convered steel frame structure and composite structure, fill-up of concrete was most difficult for composite structure. Fill-up-ability for girder section types generally used in practice for composite structures was proved poor. The exissance of reinforcement bars in addition to steel sections makes it very difficult for concrete mix to reach portions under the flanges of steel sections. 6. The degree of difference of fill-up-ability of concrete mix, as stated herinabove under item 1,2 and 3, decrease considerably when the strength of suppressive conditions are increased like as the case of the composit structures. 7. It was recognised that the detail design of sections or connections of structural members is very important as well as the serection of material properties of concrete mix is very important to expect favorable fill-up ability, and slump shall be serect relatively acording to the suppressive conditions and the material properties of concrete mix which will be used.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1960-03-25
- 寸法をどうきめるか (メートル法と建築モデュール特集)
- 東京駅八重洲本屋と鉄道曾館の計画,設計及び施工について
- ソ連の建設産業をみて (ソ連建設産業の動向)
- 構造計画とモデル化(構造設計におけるコンピューター利用の問題と将来の展望(主題・構造設計におけるコンピューター利用の問題点 (主集 49年度北陸大会「研究協議会」課題)))
- 2067 任意方向の任意荷重の加わる立体骨組の解法
- 私の感銘を受けた図書 (私の感銘を受けた図書)
- 私の受けた建築教育とその前後 (私の受けた建築教育) (私の受けた建築教育・II)
- 構造計画が当面する諸問題
- 構造計画技術の推進 (技術推進) (日本建築学会賞特集)
- 2 梁形断面に対するコンクリートの充てん性に関する実験的研究
- 建築の構造との理解のために (構造特集)
- 西欧の高層建築 (海外事情)
- IIW のフロレンス会議に出席して
- 25. コンクリート充填性に関する研究 : 第2報 鉄骨I形梁フランヂ下端の充填性状の実験的研究
- コンクリートの充填性 (建築用コンクリート特集)
- 55 コンクリートの充填生に関する研究 : 第1報-基本性状の実験的研究
- 112 事務所建築の経済設計に関する研究
- 建築経済 (1952年建築界展望)
- 44 柱-梁溶接仕口の実物大試験
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