- 論文の詳細を見る
Sex ratio and number of laid eggs of the saw fly, Fagineura crenativora Vikberg et Zinovjev, injurious to beech trees were examined. Third instar larvae collected from Siebold's beech tree, Fagus crenata, in Mt. Tanzawa of Kanagawa Pref. were reared to pre-pupae, and the sex was ascertained by the difference in the number of molting (five in the male, six in the female). The sex ratio of F. crenativora was almost 1:1. Adult females collected from Mt. Tanzawa in May of 1999 were allowed to lay eggs individually in cage with fresh young leaves of beech tree. Average number of laid eggs within life time of the females was 35, and the maximum was 49. The egg-laying mode of females was discussed from the distribution of eggs in the field at the summit of Mt. Tanzawa. It is considered that the female of the saw fly were oviposited randomly, because the distribution of the laid eggs followed the negative binomial distribution.
- 2005-03-30
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