英語ビデオ教材視聴学習の指導法に関する実験的研究 : 先行オーガナイザーとスキーマの効果について
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PURPOSE This study examined the effects of advance organizers and schemata on students' acquisition of English as a foreign language with audio-visual English materials. The following five hypotheses were tested. 1. Teaching with advance organizers is more effective for audio-visual comprehension than without advance organizers. 2. Learners with relevant schemata have higher audio-visual comprehension than learners without relevant schemata. 3. Learners with relevant schemata have higher audio-visual comprehension than learners with advance organizers. 4. There is an interaction between the teaching method (with or without advance organizers) and learners' listening comprehension. 5. There is an interaction between schemata of learners (with or without schemata) and learners' listening comprehension. METHOD The students in two LL classes (assigned by their I.D. numbers) of a private junior college in Chiba prefecture were utilized as the subjects. First, all students were given the JACET Test to measure their listening comprehension. Secondly, students in one class were given advance organizers and shown a videotape; students in the other class also watched a videotape but were not given advance organizers. Finally, all students were given a post-test and a questionnaire. Based on the questionnaire results, the students were assigned to the following four groups, and the data was analyzed. 1) AS Group: 20 learners with advance organizers and relevant schemata 2) A Group: 20 learners with advance organizers but without relevant schemata 3) S Group: 18 learners without advance organizers but with relevant schemata 4) N Group: 18 learners without advance organizers or schemata RESULTS AND DISCUSSION There were significant differences between S & N groups, AS & N groups, A & N groups, and A & AS groups. That is, hypothesis 1 and hypothesis 2 were proved, but hypothesis 3 was disproved. However, because of the following three reasons it was considered that there was some evidence that hypothesis 3 was also proved. 1) the means of the four groups in the post test were 12.50 (AS group), 12.22 (S group), 9.65 (A group), 6.78 (N group), 2) in Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, hypothesis 1 was proved [p<.05] and hypothesis 2 was proved [p<.01], and 3) in Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, the difference between the mean scores of A & S groups (2.57) was close to the shortest significant range (2.66) [p<.05]. That is, two things were proved. One was that both learners' schemata and advance organizers improved their audio-visual comprehension, and the other was that the more relevant schemata (rather than advance organizers) learners had, the higher their audio-visual comprehension was. However, further investigations (e.g. utilizing various schemata and advance organizers) are needed, especially to prove the latter proposition more thoroughly. Interactions were found between each treatment and learners' listening comprehension [hypothesis 4 and hypothesis 5 were proved (p<.05)]. Figure 5-1 (p.41) shows that the interaction between A & N groups was more noticeable than between S & N groups. The data indicated that teaching with advance organizers was more effective with learners of low listening comprehension than those with high comprehension. Therefore it appears that English teachers should determine which advance organizer will effectively improve learners' listening comprehension. Also the interaction between S & N groups was not as great as between A & N groups, however the means of learners of both low and high listening comprehension in S group were higher than those in A group. This indicated that schema greatly influenced learners' listening comprehension. In the questionnaire answered after watching the videotape, more subjects with schemata about the story rated it "enjoyable," but most subjects without schemata rated it "so-so," or "not enjoyable." It can be assumed that learners' schemata were closely related to their motivation for learning, making this an important area for further study.
- 敬愛大学・千葉敬愛短期大学の論文
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