手づくり楽器の開発 : 塩ビパイプ製リコーダー
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This paper presents a method to make a handcrafted recorder. In order to use a handcrafted recorder as a teaching material for object-making, a vinyl chloride pipe is used as the main material of the recorder because of popular price and ease of cutting and drilling. In addition, some adjust functions are developed to improve the acoustical property of the recorder. For sound production, the space for air to pass through at the windway is adjustable using a movable partition of a plastic plate and the width and length of the window at the sound hole is also adjustable by attaching a plastic plate with a slit to the window. For pitch or scale, the diameters of the tone holes are modified by reaming. This allows to skip the step of correct positioning of the tone holes.
- 和歌山大学の論文
- 2006-02-28
和歌山大学 | 論文
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