英語カリキュラムへの多読指導の位置づけ : 選択傾向の考察に基づく指導方略
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An extensive reading project was carried out in order to encourage the development of students' fluency in reading, and its adoption in the English teaching curriculum was considered. In most cases, the teaching style of the English reading classes in our college is intensive, rather than extensive, where much time is devoted to deeper and more accurate understanding of the stories and lessons in the textbooks. As a result, however, the competent students sometimes lose interest in reading because of the relatively slow speed, aimed at the majority of the students. In addition, the students' scores of the TOEIC test show that their ability is less developed in reading rather than in listening. Analysis of students' comments on the extensive reading books confirms that extensive reading greatly enhanced the reading skills of the students and thus heightened their motivation.
- 長野工業高等専門学校の論文
- 2006-06-30
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