- 論文の詳細を見る
Water resources in the Heihe River has been changed due to climate change and human activities, such as irrigation and domestic water use, and change of land use during these two millennia. It is important for sustainable development in the region to clarify and access how climate change and human activities affect the water resources in the basin. In order to achieve the purpose, a grid based process oriented semi-distributed physical based hydrologic model capable of handling the effect of change of land use and over use of groundwater and river discharge in the basin has been developing. Model input such as, slope, azimuth, flow direction are generated using DEM and information about land cover were used the GLCC data set. Soil properties and some vegetation parameters are specified based on field observation data. Withdrawal water use is taken into account by a model-based assessment of water use in various sectors. The model is run at a daily time step over a DEM with 1km grid spacing for direct runoff, evapotranspiration, infiltration, percolation and snowmelt. Groundwater flow is calculated at a monthly time step over a sub-basin (order of 10^2km).
- 福井工業大学の論文
- 2006-03-18
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