- 論文の詳細を見る
We studied in this paper on the effects of the operation on natural killer (NK) cells and lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells in the cancer patients. The cytotoxic activities of lymphocytes against both K562 cells and Daudi cells were significantly suppressed by the operation when those activities were determined at 2 weeks after operation and their activities recovered at 4 weeks after. However, lymphocytes collected at 2 weeks after operation and stimulated in vitro with IL2 showed the same activity against K562 cells as those of lymphocytes collected before operation but did not against Daudi cells. By the CD antigen analysis, in lymphocytes collected from the cancer patients, the number of CD16-positive-CD56-negative cells were not effected by the operation and significant increase was observed by the in vitro IL2 stimulation. By the contrast, CD16(+)-CD56(+) cells were markedly reduced in their number and were not increased by the in vitro IL2 stimulation, whereas the number of CD16(+)-CD56(+) cells increased after IL2 stimulation in the lymphocytes collected from normal human. These results suggest that the operation does not induce NK cell deficiency but dose LAK cell deficiency through the defect of differentiation of CD16(+)-CD56(-) NK cells to CD16(+)-CD56(+) LAK cells or of CD16(+)-56(+) progenitor cells to mature LAK cells.
- 群馬大学の論文
- 1995-03-31
倉茂 達徳
阿久沢 由紀
倉茂 達徳
倉茂 達徳
倉茂 達徳
阿久沢 由紀
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