- 論文の詳細を見る
In our last study about stressors in nursing situations, we realized the necessity of longterm observation in order to identify the relationships between stressors and stresses on nurses. This time we have planned a longtudinal study about relationships between stressors and stresses on new graduate nurses over a five year period and this year is the first year of this project. As a result of this study, we made the following conclusions. 1) Most of new graduate nurses realized various stresses and one third of them experienced unmanageable stresses. And these stresses were caused by stressors related to nursing skills rather than those related to their nursing fellow members, working situations and patients. Therefore mastering of nursing skills is considered to be a big problem for new graduate nurses to adjust themselves to their working places. 2) On the other hand, most of them thought their head nurses were understanding. They also thought doctors working with them understood their nursing. Further they thought their teamwork were kept well in their working places. 3) New graduate nurses showed various stress symptoms such as absentmindedness and two thirds of them were under stress conditions. However they acheived good adjustment in their working places of such conditons. This was considered to be possible because of their satisfaction with their nursing situations. 4) Comparing responses between stress type A group and nonstoress type A group, there were differences of responses to stressors. However these results should be carefully assessed looking at further longitudinal study of this project.
- 群馬大学の論文
- 1991-03-29
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