- 論文の詳細を見る
Nuclei and chromatins were isolated from the livers of egg-laying hens, roosters, and chicken embryos. The chromatin proteins were analyzed by urea-SDS gel electrophoresis. Major nonhistone proteins, NHP-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, were rich in the liver chromatin of laying hen. Higher histone content was found in the rooster liver chromatin. The loss of H1 histones during the preparation of laying hen chromatin suggests the loosely binding of H1 histone in the chromatin. A nonhistone protein, NHP-1, was found only in the mature female and male chicken liver chromatins. This component was not detected in the embryonic liver chromatins and chicken erythrocyte chromatins. Occurrence of an another nonhistone protein, NHP-2, was specific for laying hen liver chromatin. NHP-1 and NHP-4 (HMG protein) were preferentially released from the chromatin by DNase I digestion. Cytoplasmic estrogen receptors were found in both laying hen and rooster livers. The isolated nuclei and chromatin from laying hen liver showed a high binding affinity for free ^3H-estradiol. However, ^3H-estradiol-receptor complex faild to bind significantlly to the isolated liver nuclei of laying hen. It is suggested that H1 histone was replaced with NHP-1 and/or NHP-2 on the active regions of laying hen liver chromatin in which vitellogenin genes are activating, NHP-1 is essential for the induction of the gene expression, and NHP-2 localize on the acceptor sites for estrogen-receptor complex in the chromatin.
- 群馬大学の論文
- 1988-02-29
- 平成11年度群馬大学公開講座「健康と環境」
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