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A criterion is presented that allows us to predict the effects of phase difference and mean stress on the fatigue strength for hole-containing components subjected to combined load. Combined axial and torsional fatigue tests were conducted using annealed S35C and quenched/tempered SCM435H specimens containing a small hole of either 100μm or 500μm in diameter. The phase differences between axial and torsional loads were 0 and 90°. Effects of mean or static stresses were also investigated. The non-propagating cracks emanating in the radial direction from the holes were observed at the fatigue limit. Under the same loading condition, they were present on a plane inclined at the same angle to specimen axis. This suggests that a crack on this specific plane, a critical plane, would play an important role in the determination of fatigue strength. A criterion was proposed on the basis of the assumption that at the threshold level, the time-variation in the mode I stress intensity factor of a crack under multiaxial cylic loading is equal to that under uniaxial cyclic loading. Using this criterion, a prediction method of fatigue strength was also presented. This method is useful since no fatigue test is necessary in making predictions. Good agreement between predictions and experimental results was obtained.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2005-11-25
城野 政弘
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Fukui University Of Technology
遠藤 正浩
石本 勲
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