創作舞踊「万寿寺の鐘」の研究 : 玉城朝薫5番組踊「執心鐘入」より
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In February 2002 we mounted a public performance of creative works in Kyoto. They fall within the category known as dozoji, that is adapted works comprising the No, Ryukyuan dance, contemporary dance, Japanese dance, modern dance, Korean dance and Flamenco. I performed as the bell of Manjuji, a conception originating in an element in Shushin Kaneiri. The "Bell of Manjuji" and Shushin Kaneiri are very different from other pieces among the Japanese oeuvres in dozoji. In the former, a woman is in love but the man survives, but in the latter the man is killed. In this paper, I expound the enduring patience and sincere kindness of Okinawan women. The theme of this paper focuses on such problems as comparison of deportment, manner of dress, and correspondences between the "Bell of Manjuji" and Shushin Kaneiri.
- 2006-03-31
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