悪性腫瘍の末梢神経侵襲 : 付・頭頸部の悪性腫瘍について
- 論文の詳細を見る
An exhaustive revision of the studies regarding peripheral nerve invasion by malignant tumors was done. The physio-anatomically specialized structure of the peripheral nerves with highly developed diffusion barrier system, dependent upon the perineurium and the endoneural blood vessels, is a very important pathway for tumor invasion and growth. The peripheral nerves contribute to the local invasion of the tumors and also to the spread of the tumors to the distant locations, such as the central nervous system. Additionally, the analysis of 103 autopsy cases of head and neck tumors regarding peripheral nerve invasion was done.
- 鹿児島大学の論文
- 1989-03-27
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