火山灰土壌のリン吸着 : 吸着量におよぼすpH, リン酸液濃度の影響
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P-adsorption of a volcanic ash soil (Buried B-horizon from Chiran, Kagoshima) was investigated in the equivalent concentration range of 10 to 500 mM PO_4,using the medium of pH 4 and 5,beffered with acetate and, the medium of pH 7. The adsorption for deferrated material was near the completion, with the concentration of more than 100 mM PO_4 and its adsorption curve was observed to be conformed to the LANGMUIR isotherm. Phosphorus was supposed to be adsorbed at the adsorption site, forming onemolecular layer on the surface of allophanic material ; while the adsorption curve of nondeferrated material followed rather the FREUNDLICH isotherm. The amount of PO_4 adsorbed by the free Fe- and Al-compounds, estimated from the data with non- and deferrated-materials, was found to be increasing with PO_4-concentration and, even at 500 mM, the amount seemed to be far from saturation. It was suggested that the adsorption of PO_4 by the free Fe and Al hydroxide occurred in a somewhat different way from that by allophanic material. In the case of the Fe, Al hydroxide, the "adsorption" of PO_4 might be followed by the "precipitation" of Al and/or Fe phosphate as difficulty soluble compounds in the slow-forming of the discrete phase of the phosphate. Thus the P adsorption figure represented for volcanic ash soils may involve two different kinds of adsorption, caused by allophane and free Fe and Al compounds existing in the soils. The pH of the reaction system also exerted a great influence upon the adsorption : the adsorbed P-amount decreased with increasing pH. This might be attributed mainly to the properties of adsorbent.
- 鹿児島大学の論文
- 1971-09-25
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