- 論文の詳細を見る
A large amount of humus of exceedingly high degree of humification is generally present in the surface layer of Japanese volcanic ash soils, regardless largely varied factors of soil formation, namely, physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of parent materials, climate, location and topography of location. On account of high contents of humus, volcanic ash soils are black in color, being called "black soil", "black volcanic ash soil", "humus volcanic ash soil" or "Ando-soil". Genetic studies on the volcanic ash soils from the viewpoint of mineralogical composition, weathering products and clay minerals have been done by many workers of Japan (HARADA, KANNO, SASAKI and so on) and other countries (TAYLOR, FIELDES and so on), but few have discussed the process of the volcanic ash soils formation from the standpoint of accumulation and alternation of humus. The studies on the humus of volcanic ash soils have scarcely been done by foreign soil scientists, whereas many Japanese scientists, especially HAYASHI, HOSODA, KOBO, KOSAKA and KUMADA have obtained valuable data about the forms and properties of humus of volcanic ash soils. The results obtained by them are summarized as follows : 1) humification degree of humic acids of the surface soils was exceedingly high, 2) humus of the soils might be combined with trivarent bases and transferred to a steady form, 3) according to KUMADA, though the organic matter as parent materials of humus and humus forming environment is quite differed, humification degree of humic acids was found becoming lower in the order of muck soil, humus volcanic ash soil, alluvial soil and dilluvial soil. Nevertheless, it seems likely that some uncertainties in the accumulating and alternating process of humus of volcanic ash soils still exist. In Europe and the United States, the accumulation of humus is commonly regarded as the function of the climate, namely, rainfall and temperature. In Welte's opinion, accumulation of humus is represented by the following equation, Humus=f_I (Klima)-f_<II>(Klima) f_I (Klima)=Organ. Substanzbildung f_<II>(Klima)=mikrobielle Aktivitat According to Jenny, humus content is expressed by total nitrogen contents of soils, and nitrogenclimate surface may be described as follows : N=0.55e^<-0.087'>(1-e^<-0.005m>) N=total nitrogen of the surface soils m=moisture expressed as N-S quotient T=annual air temperature in degrees centigrade e=base of natural logarithum UCHIYAMA applied the Jenny's equation to the black volcanic ash soils of Tochigi Prefecture in Japan and pointed out that the calculated value and actual measurement in nitrogen content differed widely. Accordingly, he stated that humus content of volcanic ash soils of Japan was not to be represented by the function of climate as was expressed in zonal soils of European countries and the United States, but was rather influenced by physical and chemical properties of volcanic ash. KAWAMURA, KUMADA and UCHIYAMA who observed the further accumulation of humus in the volcanic ash soils of Japan from the viewpoint of the amount of organic matter added to the soils, came to the conception that the accumulation of excessive amount of humus was attributed to the physical properties of volcanic ash, in other words, volcanic ash would be changed to grassland because of its fine texture and good permiability of water, and grass would give abundant organic matters to the soils. AOMINE, UCHIYAMA and KOSAKA who considered the augmentation of humus in the volcanic ash soils from the standpoint that the organic matter remained, free from leaching and attack of microorganism, stated that abundant humus was caused by mineralogical and physical properties of volcanic ash. That is to say, since the volcanic ash was of fine textured, the weathering proceeds rapidly, and weathering products are the compound rich in allophane and alumina. These weathering products, combining with humus and preventing humus from disp
- 鹿児島大学の論文
- 1962-03-25
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