- 論文の詳細を見る
First of all, at female climacteric, female hormone secretion drop suddenly, arise balance confusion, and cause various symptoms to mind and body owing to ovary hypo activity. These are called climacteric symptom or climacteric syndrome. How we take and realize the symptoms that mentioned above and knowing what a relation with daily life is can be reduce some of lives of negative parts by climacteric. Secondly, we carried out a questionnaire survey to search for the clue. Many of fifties to sixties become strongly aware of unspecific symptoms. The tendency has been to the higher menopause age become more strongly aware of that. Also we found out that emergence of symptoms is in proportion to confusion of daily rhythm. Making it a habit to exercise and engaging in short time work reduce emergence of symptoms. In addition, dining out played the role of dissipating stress. We saw an involvement of an intake shortage of fruits, greens and grains in emergence of climacteric symptoms.
- 和洋女子大学の論文
- 2004-03-31
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