悲嘆から肯定的思考へのイメージ変換のプロセスに関する研究 : がんの臨床における多面的アプローチを通して
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This paper focuses on negative thought patterns and images created due to the physical and emotional suffering of cancer treatment and the impact of approaches designed to replace negative conceptions and visualizations with positive ones. The subjects were five patients in states of depression. Intervention was from a multi-modal approach involving image training, cognitive therapy, music therapy, and dance therapy. In short, the patients' mental, visual, and proprioceptive inner experiences changed from negative to positive through individually-tailored, eclectic approaches that engaged their bodies, cognition, and affect. I found that relief from pain could be experienced through touch, and that this led to shifts in patients' perceptions of their bodies. Cognitive interventions entailed explaining the connections among the maintenance of hope, states of relaxation, and the healing power of nature. I felt it important that the patients themselves realize that at any time recovery is a possibility. After my explanation of this innate healing potential, patients demonstrated more positive attitudes in their fight against the disease. Regarding affect, I used various forms of arts therapy such as dance, music, and drawing, and encouraged the expression of feelings. Through this and through interactions with me, the therapist, a sense of emotional stability was achieved. From the above, I have indicated that it is possible to fight illness with restored hope, using a multi-modal approach that addresses the three areas of body, cognition, and affect.
- 東洋英和女学院大学の論文
- 2006-03-15
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