速読と眼球運動(読みと眼球運動,第22回大会 シンポジウム2)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The eye movement patterns of the good readers, the skimmers who are normal readers but were instructed to read texts in the same speed as that of the good readers, and the normal readers, were investigated. The good readers and the skimmers had larger saccadic sizes and shorter fixation durations than the normal readers. This suggests that the good readers and the skimmers may have wider effective visual field in reading or may have just skipped the some words in scanning the text. To check the comprehension levels among those three subjects, the gist and detailed comprehension tests were done. The results of these tests indicate that the good readers had not lower scores than other subjects, which is different from almost all of the conclusions of past investigations. This means the good readers do not increase their reading speed by sacrificing the amount they understand from the text.
- 日本基礎心理学会の論文
- 2004-09-30
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