- 論文の詳細を見る
Three experiments examined the relationships between ocular vergence and the perceived depth and directions. In Experiment 1 with 60 observers, we measured the divergence limit when the separation of the stereograms was varied gradually so that the visual axes of both eyes diverge over the parallelism. For 83% of the 60 observers, the eyes diverged beyond the parallelism. In Experiment 2 with 11 observers, the perceived depth, distance, and size were measured as a function of the symmetric ocular vergence. The perceived depth increased as the vergence angle decreases and the perceived depth and size covaried with the perceived distance. The results of Experiment 2 confirmed those of the previous studies which showed the depth scaling from vergence angle. In Experiment 3 with 6 observers, the perceived visual direction was measured as a function of the asymmetric ocular vergence. The visual direction varied by one half of the angle with which one eye deviated from its primary position. The results of Experiment 3 confirmed the predictions of Wells-Hering's laws of visual direction.
- 日本基礎心理学会の論文
- 2003-03-31
- 聴覚的エゴセンターの位置に及ぼす音源方向の効果(行動系)
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