運動に伴う脳磁場・脳血流変動(1997年度 第2回フォーラム 認知脳科学からみた心-ニューロイメージングの世界-)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Recent development of functional imaging has enabled us to approach brain function related to voluntary movement. Movement-related cortical field (MRCF) recorded by magnetoencephalography (MEG) has disclosed readiness field (RF), which starts 1 sec to the movement and distributes over the primary motor area contralateral to the moving side. RF culminates motor field (MF), whose generator source can be localized over the anatomical primary motor area. By comparing MRCF with previous EEG study, temporal profile of activation in the motor area can be well estimated. Recently, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has become one of the powerful tools to delineate brain function. In addition to the high spatial resolution, event-related fMRI can obtain better temporal resolution. By this way, activated area related to muscle relaxation can be shown over the primary motor area and supplementary motor area. Combined functional imaging enables us to obtain better comprehension of brain mechanism related to voluntary movement.
- 日本基礎心理学会の論文
- 1998-09-30
- 複数皮質活動の動的イメージングのためのfMRI-MEG統合解析法
- 脳波モデルを用いた優位律動の特徴表現と背景脳波の自動判読
- 徐波の振幅変動と周波数変動特性を反映した脳波モデルの構成
- 脳波中瞬目アーチファクトの選択的正規化加算平均による除去法
- 運動に伴う脳磁場・脳血流変動(1997年度 第2回フォーラム 認知脳科学からみた心-ニューロイメージングの世界-)
- 視覚言語刺激と発語による脳磁界反応の観察