Oral Administration of Cal K_2 Containing Menaquinone-4 (Vitamin K_2) Enhances Serum r-Carboxylated Osteocalcin and Biochemical Components in the Femoral Tissues of Rats
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The effects of menaquinone-4 (MK-4; vitamin K_2) supplemented egg shell calcium (Cat K_2) on bone components in the femoral-diaphyseal (cortical bone) and-metaphyseal (trabecular bone) tissues of rats was investigated. Cal K_2 contained calcium carbonate (Ca 100mg/g) and MK-4 (593μg/g). Rats were orally administered a solution of Cat K_2 (10, 25, or 50mg/ml/100g body weight) or placebo (without MK-4, 50mg/ml/100g body weight) once daily for 7 days. The serum r-carboxylated osteocalcin concentration, which is produced in osteoblastic cells, was significantly increased after the administration of Cal K_2 (50mg/100g body weight) as compared with that in the control group or placebo-control group without MK-4. Calcium content and alkaline phosphatase activity in the femoral-diaphyseal tissues were significantly increased after Cal K_2 (25 or 50mg/100g) as compared with that in the placebo-control group. Femoral-metaphyseal calcium content was significantly increased after the administration of Cal K_2 (25 or 50mg/100g) as compared with that in the control group. DNA content in the femoral-diaphy-seal and -metaphyseal tissues was significantly increased after the administration of Cal K_2 (50mg/100g) as compared with that in the control or placebo-controlled group. This study demonstrates that the oral administration of Cal K_2 containing MK-4 has anabolic effects on bone components in rats. Supplemental Cal K_2 may have a role in the prevention of bone loss with aging.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 2006-12-01
Masuda Y
R & D Division Q.p. Corporation
Masuda Yasunobu
Masuda Yasunobu
R&d Div. Q.p. Corp.
Kurokawa Masanori
Uchiyama Satoshi
Laboratory of Endocrinology and Molecular Metabolism, Graduate School of Nutritional Sciences, Unive
Yamaguchi Masayoshi
Laboratory Of Endocrinology And Molecular Metabolism Graduate School Of Nutritional Sciences Univers
Kimura Mamoru
Q. P. Corporation R&d Division
Kimura Mamoru
R&d Division Q.p. Corporation
Masuda Yasunobu
Q. P. Corporation R&D Division
Uchiyama Satoshi
Laboratory Of Endocrinology And Molecular Metabolism Graduate School Of Nutritional Sciences Univers
Uchiyama Satoshi
Laboratory Of Endocrinology And Molecular Metabolism Graduate School Of Nutritional Sciences Univers
Masuda Yasunobu
Q. P. Corporation R&d Division
Uchiyama Satoshi
Laboratory Of Biology Faculty Of Education And Human Sciences Niigata University
Yamaguchi Masayoshi
Laboratories Of Metabolism And Endocrinology School Of Food And Nutritional Sciences The University
Yamaguchi Masayoshi
Laboratory Of Endocrinology And Molecular Metabolism Graduate School Of Nutritional Sciences Univers
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