Drosophila Survey of Hokkaido, XXXIX. : Description of the Genus Nesiodrosophila Wheeler & Takada (Diptera, Drosophilidae) from northern Hokkaido, Japan
- Drosophila Survey of Hokkaido, XXXVI. : New and unrecorded species of Drosophilidae(Diptera)
- An Ecological Note of Drosophila nigromaculata (Diptera) on White Skunk Cabbage, Lysichiton camthschatcense : With three Text-figures
- Drosophila Survey of Hokkaido, XXXIX. : Description of the Genus Nesiodrosophila Wheeler & Takada (Diptera, Drosophilidae) from northern Hokkaido, Japan
- Drosophila Survey of Hokkaido, XXXVIII. : Seasonal activity of drosophilid flies observed at Lake Kutcharo, near the coast of Sea of Okhotsk
- Distribution and Population Constitution of Drosophila in South East Asia and Oceania, IV. : New and unrecorded species of Drosophilidae in Solomon Islands
- Notes on Arctic Canadian Diastatidae and Drosophilidae (Diptera), with the description of a new species
- ショウジョウバエの越冬行動 : I.カオジロショウジョウバエの卵巣休眠
- オセアニア産のカグヤショウジョウバエ(Zygothrica)について(生態学)
- Drosophila Survey of Hokkaido, XXVI. : Descriprions of Three New Species of Drosophilidae from Japan