一次下請中小企業における情報技術活用の現状と存立の方向 : TQMによる納期・生産性の改善事例
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The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether information technology has influence on the improvement of the manufacture spot and the subcontract management on the actual condition or not. And, this thesis focuses on the small and medium-sized enterprises located in the first layer having the long-term supply relationships with the prime contractor. This thesis points out that in this case there are few rooms that the subcontractor develops a new product by use of the information technology. This analysis has the following two objects: 1) The first object is to analyze the relationships between the large company producing the last product and the small and medium-sized subcontract enterprises. 2) The second object is to analyze the subcontractor's product innovation based on the process innovation by use of the information technology. According to this research, we find that 1) most of the small and medium-sized enterprises make use of the information technology as a process innovation through TQM. As a result, the small and medium-sized enterprises having the long-term supply relationships with the prime contractor, shorten more the time for delivery and improve the productivity by use of the information technology. 2) By detailed hearing research, 2/3 and more processes from the order to the delivery are occupied by the inner processes of the small and medium-sized subcontract enterprises.
- 日本経営学会の論文
- 2005-03-20
- 米沢女子短期大学の卒業生に対する組織の評価
- 一次下請中小企業における情報技術活用の現状と存立の方向 : TQMによる納期・生産性の改善事例
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