ドイツ的生産モデルの「日本化」と集団作業方式 : ドイツ労働社会学における「構想競合」を巡って
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The German production model which developed after the first oil crisis was based on two pillars of flexible technology and skilled workers (Facharbeiter) provided by the German dual system of vocational training. The aim was to develop the "intelligent" flexible production system, which made use of these two strengths and allowed the production of diversified quality products. This intelligent working structure could be characterized by task integration and an up-grading of production work and aimed for the humanization of work and the rising of productive efficiency. But since the issue of the book by Womack et. al., the German car manufactures are now testing or instituting group or team work extensively, following the Japan-oriented "lean production" or "transplant" concepts. Recently there is under debate in the German work sociology about the character and value of group work (in this respect, the German edition of "Japanization"-debate). So it is the aim of this paper to review the current representative discussion of the German work sociology about group work following the "NUMMI" or "lean production" model. In this paper, three views are taken up and are considered. The first view (e. g. M. Schumann et. al.) insists that this work group is a structurally conservative approach, several core principles of Taylorism are preserved, and should be distinguished fundamentally from a structurally innovative or self-organized work group of the German Model. The second (e. g. R. Springer) view maintains that in order to strengthen the competitive power in global market, German car manufactures need to develop the "standardized" work group that implies the "modernization" of Taylor's scientific management. The third view (e. g. D. Gerst) asserts that standardization and partial or semi-autonomy (Selbst-Organisation) could never contradict themselves and these two factors should be realized together under strong influences of works council (Betriebsrat) and labor unions. This paper examines these three views for group work and confirms the adequacy of the third view in the German context.
- 2000-12-20
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