- 論文の詳細を見る
1) Recent nutritional status of B group vitamins and minerals in Japanese estimated by intake amounts. Nutritionally insufficient population for B group vitamins and minerals was estimated using Estimated Average Requirements in Dietary Reference Intakes (2005) and National Health and Nutrition Survey in Japan (2003). In 30〜49 years old male and female, ratio of insufficient populations were high in thiamin, riboflavin, pyridoxine, calcium, magnesium and iron (female only). 2) Relationship between thiamin and magnesium Experiments for investigating thiamin metabolism in magnesium deficient rats were carried out, and following results were obtained: Blood serotonin levels increased markedly in thiamin supplemented magnesium deficient groups rather than thiamin- and magnesium-deficient group. Magnesium levels in blood and bone decreased markedly in thiamin supplemented magnesium deficient groups but not in the thiamin- and magnesium-deficient group. Thiamin levels in the sciatic nerve, liver, kidney of magnesium deficient rats was lower than that in the magnesium sufficient rats. The decrease in thiamin was not detected in the central nervous system of magnesium deficient rats. With either oral or parenteral administration of thiamin, thiamin content in the heart, liver, and kidneys decreased at the same level in magnesium deficient rats. All changes in symptoms seen in magnesium deficient rats were alleviated when the animals were also deficient in thiamin. These results suggest that thiamin receptors in tissues, except central nervous system, require magnesium. 3) Relationship between thiamin and calcium When pigeons are fed with a diet of polished rice for 20〜25 days, typical opistothonus-like convulsion occurs. In convulsive pigeons, a significant decrease of thiamin and calcium in the central nervous system rather than in peripheral nervous system was observed. When calcium was added to the polished rice, convulsion never occurred. Thiamin and calcium concentrations in brain of pigeons fed polished rice with the addition of calcium were significantly higher than convulsive pigeons. It is assumed that thiamin receptor of central nervous system which play an important role in nervous functions may require calcium as a cofactor. 4) A brief review of literatures concerning nutritional correlation between B group vitamins and minerals are included.
- 2006-11-25
- ビタミン・ミネラル (相補・代替医療の現況をみる--日常診療で知っておくべき多種多様のCAMを解説します) -- (サプリメント)
- evidence seminar ミネラルと生活習慣病予防(4)カルシウム
- ビタミン学最前線-9-パントテン酸・葉酸・ビオチン
- evidence seminar ミネラルと生活習慣病予防(17)クロム・モリブデン
- 微量元素に関する栄養学的研究の流れ
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- ビタミン様作用物質と生活習慣病予防(第11回)ビタミンP
- evidence seminar ビタミン様作用物質と生活習慣病予防(Contents.9)コリン
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- evidence seminar ビタミン様作用物質と生活習慣病(Contents.7)カルニチン(その2)
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- evidence seminar ビタミンと生活習慣病予防(6)ビタミンB2
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- evidence seminar ビタミンと生活習慣病予防(4)ビタミンEとK
- evidence seminar ビタミンと生活習慣病予防(3)ビタミンD
- evidence seminar ビタミンと生活習慣病予防(2)ビタミンA
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