「防犯モデルマンション」の防犯性に対する入居者評価と自主防犯活動について : 広島県における事例
- 論文の詳細を見る
The aims of this paper are to grasp the actual condition of model anti-crime condominium and to evaluate its ability of crime prevention through the investigation to residents. The investigation to residents were held in 2002 about the actual condition of their condominium, fear of crime, and their self-anticrime activities. Most of them don't regard their condominium as strong one against crime, but the plates that say their condominium has been registrated as a 'model anti-crime condominium', give most of them feeling of safety against crime. Few self-anticrime activities have been held in their condominium. We think that their self-anticrime activities should be reexamined in the near future.
- 2005-04-30
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